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The N700S Series Shinkansen of The Featured Region Express

As a train pulls into the Yerevan station, a train announcement is made.

*Now arriving at Yerevan station on Track 1, is The Featured Region Express to [Insert next featured region.] The train conductor JACJ, would also like to congratulate this region on being featured. Please stand back from the platform and watch the gap while boarding the train.*

Region Score (What Class would I let you sit in on the train, based on my liking of the region): Premium Coach Class

Yerevan Common, Featured Hopper, Arnolo, Trump Almighty, and 3 othersElsiar, Traveler in nationstates, and Raustrian featuring trip

The Daily Wanderings of Featured Hopper

*hop hop hop*

Congrats on being featured! Anyone seen a carrot?

Yerevan Common, Arnolo, Trump Almighty, Elsiar, and 3 othersThe Featured Region Express, Traveler in nationstates, and Raustrian featuring trip

The Empire of Trump Almighty

Congratulations on being the featured region!
Bigly! 🥳🥳🥳

Make NationStates Great Again! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Btw: Whenever the regional officer refuses to Keep NationStates Great and ejects us from their region in a phony Witch Hunt, I use this region as my burner

Yerevan Common, Arnolo, Elsiar, The Featured Region Express, and 2 othersTraveler in nationstates, and Raustrian featuring trip


Congratulations on being featured.

Yerevan Common, Featured Hopper, Trump Almighty, Elsiar, and 3 othersThe Featured Region Express, Traveler in nationstates, and Raustrian featuring trip

Birthday cake herby

Birthday cake herby wrote:Beep beep! Congrats on being the featured region of the day! Anyone for some cake?

Ehhh this again! More cake!

Yerevan Common, Featured Hopper, Trump Almighty, The Featured Region Express, and 2 othersTraveler in nationstates, and Raustrian featuring trip

The Billy Joel Republics of Gloucester Clty

featured congratulations

Featured Hopper, Arnolo, Trump Almighty, The Featured Region Express, and 2 othersTraveler in nationstates, and Raustrian featuring trip

The Wanderers of Nomadic Westmore

Missed one, anyway congrats

Dapper islanbs of the northwest republic

The District of Yerevan Common

Sometime, less is good enough. Welcome.

Shortly, another region will become the featured region.

Safe journeys everyone.

Featured Hopper, Elsiar, The Featured Region Express, and Traveler in nationstates
