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The Frequently Inebriated Nation of Saugeen

Cure. Always cure.


At the request of Saugeen, this Region is a CURE only. Members found embracing Zombining (Now known as Meth heads) will be removed from region for the time period of Halloween.

The Frequently Inebriated Nation of Saugeen

Thanks big K. This is a good bunch of nations.


Seriously? If people want an Embassy they would have the decently to read our regional Factbook Entry and see that they need to TG me with a reason why!

Damn Request spammers, I will reject those who do not comply!

The Grumpy Nation of Saugeen 2

Farewell my friends. See you all next year.


The Frequently Inebriated Nation of Saugeen

Saugeen 2 wrote:Farewell my friends. See you all next year.


Good riddance.

The death of rats



Will be offline internet wise soon, until I get a connection installed at my new address.

Some strange people

When the cat's away...

... the mice sleep all day -.-


The Frequently Inebriated Nation of Saugeen

Kleinekatzen wrote:Will be offline internet wise soon, until I get a connection installed at my new address.

So it begins...


Heh heh The Kitty is suffering withdrawal symptoms as it will be more then a week before they have the internet again. Has asked me to watch the region for them :p

The Frequently Inebriated Nation of Saugeen

Aynempa wrote:Heh heh The Kitty is suffering withdrawal symptoms as it will be more then a week before they have the internet again. Has asked me to watch the region for them :p

OMG! Kleinekatzen got us a babysitter!

We are totally allowed to stay up past 9 and eat candy for dinner. Honest!


Awww no games? Kitty should be back soonish.


Annnnd I'm back B*tches….

Ok no mess so back to catching up on my paperwork >.> <.<

The Frequently Inebriated Nation of Saugeen

Errr...that stain on the carpet. That was Rats.

Definitly not me seeing how much eggnog an alpaca could drink.


Saugeen wrote:Definitly not me seeing how much eggnog an alpaca could drink.

How did you get that much eggnog?

The death of rats




The death of rats wrote:SQUEAK.


The Frequently Inebriated Nation of Saugeen

The death of rats wrote:SQUEAK.

Kleinekatzen wrote:Yup.

Respectfully disagree.

Perfect unreality

I have been listening to everything you are saying and agree completely. I definitely wasn't asleep until just a minute ago.
If I seem distant it is entirely because I am thinking deep thoughts and this pillow under my head isn't full of dreams.

Especially not dreams about alpaca induced projectile eggnog... wait... that stain... did that actually happen?

Some strange people

*** Please stand by as Some Strange Committee For Amusing And Thought Inducing Messages In The Regional Message Board (SSCATIMRMB) is being constituted and staffed by Some Strange Subcommitee For Bureaucratic Simplification, attached to Some Really Strange Board For Strange Things That Will Never Happen (SRSBSTNH-SSSCBS). ***

The Frequently Inebriated Nation of Saugeen

Some strange people wrote:Against. Very much. This is absolutely no fun. INDIVIDUAL TIME RULES!

The oldest message on our board. But what was SSP so passionately against? One can only imagine...


Eh my memory is poor, plus the Vet just let me return home today so the drugs are making it worse.

The death of rats



Ya I'm ok mate, just needed antibiotics.

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