
Region: The Fallout Wasteland


New franken

New franken wrote:Bay City
1,000 men had been prepared for the attack on Bay City lead by Hauptmann Müller. Even though there will be limited resistance the Führer wanted no possible complications. The first phase began with 50 men in the 13 TPSBs traveled up river to secure the bridges and the shipyard area. The second phase began when 400 men moved up the old 75 to secure the west side of the river while 550 men took 13 north on the east side of the river. The west side was relatively clear aside from a few roaming raider gangs, ghouls and mutants. When they made it into the east side proper they moved on the old shopping center Müller had ran across months prior. This time they had support they radioed the Edson for bombardment, the ship began hurling shells from it's 5-inch guns into the mall. After about 40 minutes of shelling the raider leader surrendered. 238 were dead and 634 captured. The raiders, called the Warriors, were essentially overlords to the people on the east side so many came out of their homes celebrating the Reich as liberators. On the east side was another gang, a rival, they called themselves the Wolves. They were held up in an old high school that almost looked like a medieval castle. After the fighting in the streets the west side of the river was secure aside from the area surrounding the school. 100 men were left to guard the prisoners the other 300 met up with the rest of them men. At this point 32 men were killed and 67 were wounded, totaling a force of 801. After realizing there could be up to 2,000 raiders in that school Müller radio for reinforcements. After a few hours Franken had sent 1,000 more men and the T-51s. In the meantime the Edson was hitting their emplacements outside the school, dwindling their numbers. About 134 lay dead before the assault commenced.

Bay City
After a few days of starving out the raiders it was finally time to attack. Müller order snipers on nearby roofs to pick of anyone looking out a window. A entery point on the secound floor was selected towards the back of the building. When they enter the raider didn't know they were there so they hurled a few grenades killing everyone in the room. The raiders knew they were there now. As Müller saw the raiders pull some off the main enterence he saw an opportunity so he ordered the charge. The distraction worked. The raiders were forced farther back into the school, some even deserted, jusy to be captured. When the raider leader was killed many of the men surrendered some continued on but where quickly overwhelmed. In total over the entire operation 462 killed and 703 wounded, a very costly battle. In total 122 mutants, 97 ghouls, and 1722 raiders were killed. Also 1689 captured raiders, which were sent to re-education facilities. The Reich was victorius and the locals praised them. In total 11,735 civilians were added to the Reich.

