
by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 129 reads.

Vote Against SC resolution On Raider Unity

Security Council Vote Recommendation

Part of the Information for WA Voters program

Resolution at Vote: On Raider Unity
Vote Recommendation: Against

Resolution Analysis
Recognizing the accomplishments of raider factions in the past years, this proposal declares the existence of the pan-raider ideology known as "Raider Unity" to be a powerful force capable of sowing terror on the world stage through occupations like those which took place in A Liberal Haven and The Mystical Council. Accordingly, it asseverates the imminent threat such an ideology poses to the vulnerable regions of NationStates, all the while confirming noninterference, the sharing of information, and mutual operations assistance between raider groups as the core tenets of "Raider Unity".

While defining and taking a stance on a major gameplay ideology would theoretically be a perfectly acceptable use for a declaration, this proposal's context makes it simply infeasible for us to support. Rather than being a good-faith ideological declaration written with the voice of the Security Council as a whole, this proposal clearly serves to glorify a specific raider faction whose interests are not currently aligned with ours and publicly promote their recent undertakings, and was written and submitted by a member of said faction.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the Security Council Resolution at vote, "On Raider Unity".

This IFV Recommendation was written in collaboration with our World Assembly Legislative League partners.

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