
by The Kingdom of North East Somerset. . 150 reads.

State Opening of Parliament

This Speech was originally given by the King, in the Storting of Balder, but is reproduced here for all Nations and Friends of Balder

"Dear Lawspeaker Theoden Sebastian, Members of the Storting, and Citizens of the Realm;

Two months on from our last gathering here, I am here to once again announce the appointment of Vulturret as Statsminister, under the Instruments and Governments Act 2015, following the unanimous support demonstrated in this Chamber, for him forming a Government. His service over the past two months has been one of dedication and perseverance, and those are qualities that I think will serve us well going forwards.

The government has consolidated our position in the past two months, moving us forwards from what has been a tumultuous time for the Region. The transition to a new forum and from a Delegate who had served the Region for over half its history, simultaneously, would normally be one of significant upheaval, but any pitfalls have been overcome with a steady hand and determined grit to move forwards.

We have invested significantly in future initiatives, many of which I hope will begin to bear fruit over the next term, and we are developing new systems and structures that I hope will take us forwards for some time. We have now passed 100 days into my Delegacy, and I have every intention of continuing to serve into the foreseeable future, albeit not without review. I would like to pay tribute to all members of last terms Government, many of whom I hope will be serving again - and also to my fellow Royals; Onderkelkia, Zander and Fuzzy - who have provided valuable and wise counsel, to the Government and Monarchy. Together we make a strong team, and one which I have the utmost confidence in.

So next term, we must continue on the path we have identified, and create a culture of success and achievement, both in the term ahead and for the long term. We need to focus our activity and attention where it will pay the greatest dividends, on projects that will raise our basic regional performance or prestige on the global stage. We should be proud of our independence and integrity, as a premier Region in our own right, but also as a global player in NS gameplay. From my perspective, I see a gameplay environment tarnished by degrading and increasingly confused and misunderstood boundaries in many respects. In some ways paralleling but not necessarily driven by the breakdown in traditional spheres and gameplay alignments - this new paradigm is driven by personality cults and playground politics, and taken advantage of by ever more petty and unscrupulous participants. For now, its an amusement, but all things come to an end, and only history will be the judge of that.

All I know, is that in our history (and even before that) I have overcame many such challenges, and I believe strongly that the correct application of our independent philosophy will equip us effectively for whatever is thrown at us. I know that we have stood the tests of time for a variety of reasons, not least our willingness to adapt, but also to rise above the latest fads. They can come and go, but we will persist, ad infinitum. And indeed I want us to reflect for a moment on that long term element, to honour those who have persisted, who are with us, both then - and now, as we consider the following:

Under the Titles and Honours Act 2017, I wish to confer the following titles of nobility for long term service to the Region:

Baron of Hovgården - Akillian, Akillianbalder

Baron of Malmö - Cinder, Lordren

Jarl of Nordland - Linkin Maximus

Duke of Aalborg - Theoden Sebastian, Serfa

I hope you will join me in congratulating these much deserved Peers for their service. Their cumulative service is too detailed to go into here, but they know what they have done for the Region and over such a length of time.

And indeed, thank you all; for your support, and your contributions to Balder, both this last term and next."

Subsequently the Cabinet was appointed by the Statsminister as follows:

Minister of Culture: Zander, Alvalero

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Fuzzy, Fooooooooo

Minister of War: Akillian, Akillianbalder

Minister of World Assembly Affairs: Griffindor13, Ebonhand

Minister for the Cabinet Office: Theoden Sebastian, Serfa

Minister of Integration: Jake, Slitherin snakes ii


North East Somerset

King of Balder
