The Confederation of
Psychotic Dictatorship

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History of Vlakistonia

Vlakistonia was first inhabited in 28530 BC. Small tribes lived on the land and shared resources. Vlakistonia is the only nation in the world to mine pure cheese from underground. Ancient native peoples discovered this in 273 BC and sold it to traders from abroad.

After the Brasilistan invasion of Vlakistonia in 532 AD, the nation divided between Pro-Brasilistan forces (the Esto's) and Vlakistonian nationalists (the Vlak's). At this time, Vlakistonia was called the 'Vyakan Empire' and was technically a Brasilistan colony. Even after the Brasilistan exodus of 1322, there were brutal wars between the Esto's and the Vlak's. The most famous war being the 'War of Pax, Grass and Carbs' of 1445 which killed approximately 459,000 Esto's and 354,000 Vlak's. The two factions came to a decision and signed one of the most influential documents in Vlakistonian history, the '500 Year Truce'.

During the truce years, the economy rose by 140%. The nations GDP was well above the world average. At one point, 1 petro-vye was worth 750,000 Brasilistan dollars. However, this did not erase the bloodshed of previous years as descendants of both factions still did not interact with each other.

Vidal Crasno was born in 1896. After passing high school at the top of his class, he went to the University of Vlakistonia to study Law & Order in 1918. At this time, Brasilistan still technically owned the 'Vyakan Empire' but did not interfere with the nation. Vlak's still wanted independence from Brasilistan. In international events, people from the 'Vyakan Empire' were recognised as Brasilistan citizens. This angered Vlak's. After finishing his studies in 1937, Crasno joined the Authoritarian Democratic Vyakan Independence Combatants party or the 'ADVIC'. Brasilistan's leader in 1939 was named Bon Bennedy. He ordered a mass genocide of the Vyakan Empire in order to clear it for tourists. He wanted to turn the land into a hotel and resort. The Vyakan emperor, Vickolas II, was supported by Bennedy. This started a civil war in the Vyakan Empire.

The civil war began in 1941 when the ADVIC stormed the Equinox Castle. Vidal Crasno had rose through the ranks to become Commandant of the party. After breaking into the castle, Vidal Crasno and the ADVIC party killed Vikolas II's entire family, including Bertram, the castle butler. According to legend, Vidal Crasno discovered Vikolas II hidden away in a secret cupboard in a spare room on the third floor. After escorting Vikolas II out of the castle, Vidal Crasno took a shotgun and shot Vikolas II in the head. After hearing the news of Vikolas II's gruesome passing, Bon Bennedy sent in 36,000 Brasilistanian troops into the Vyakan Empire. This was known as the Bay of Vigs Invasion of 1945. The ADVIC party had taken control of the empire with Vidal Crasno being the Supreme President in the same year.

Crasno led a guerilla war against Brasilistan forces in the Vieran Jungles that lasted until 1948. All 36,000 Brasilistan troops perished in the war and Crasno's forces took the victory. In 1949, Crasno gave a speech in Vaktak City Plaza to an audience of over 23 million people (87% of the population). In his speech, Crasno called for unity between the Esto's and the Vlak's. He denounced Brasilistan and its leader for the unneccesary invasion. He declared that a new government would lead the country into the future. Crasno stated that the country would no longer be called the Vyakan Empire but by its current name, Vlakistonia. In 1950, Vlakistonia's authoritarian democracy was born.

Vidal Crasno was Supreme President until his untimely death in 1966 when he was injected with an unknown substance and executed. His death is somewhat of a mystery. Conspiracy theorists believe the Brasilistan secret service to be behind the leader's fatal death. In his final speech to the country in 1965, he predicted his own future death and wished for the nation to prosper after he would go. Vidal Crasno is now regarded as a Vlakistonian hero for reuniting the country against a common evil. The capital city was named Crasnychok in memory of him.

Over the years, ADVIC have kept a firm grip on power. The country is currently at a sustainable and efficient state. The economy is evergrowing and people are happy.
