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Plastic straws


The District of Pacific King


The District of Pacific King

Was not expecting to see this region become a featured region..


The District of Pacific King

Featured Region Day: 2019 Jan. 18

Welcome friends and guests. Embassy offers will be accepted shortly after the minor update.

The District of Pacific King

In about three hours, the minor update will start. I plan to begin accepting embassy offers at that time.

The District of Pacific King

Time to get this thing rolling.

The District of Pacific King

Times like this, I wish there was an "Accept All" Embassy Offers button.

South spoonian

The OH MY GOD YOU ARE FEATURED of Congratulations On Being Featured

Congratulations on being featured my friends!

The District of Pacific King

Welcome friends and visitors.

Post by Wyndhem suppressed by Pacific King.


i'm not saying they're bad, but i think we should be allowed to criticize jews

The District of Pacific King

That was completely a way out in left field. Post suppressed. Completely out of context for this region.

The District of Pacific King

Thank you all of you for visiting, and all of the new embassy offers.

I have transferred this region from my embassy oracle list to my embassy matrix list.
Embassy offers are now accepted.

This is one of my puppet holding regions, so it is pretty quiet around here normally.

The District of Pacific King

Working on converting three regions to accept embassy offers.

The District of Pacific King

Now I am working on about 90 regions in one big boost. Doubt that I'll ever do anything like that again.

The Colony of Nicolas Cruz

Seems that Nikolas cruz was deleted. I think it was mine. Have to the details to be sure.

Iga ryu ii

Hi! Stationed here, on behalf of Planet Andarios! Have a nice day!