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«12. . .34,70734,70834,70934,71034,71134,71234,713. . .35,87635,877»

The Unforgiving Cold of Arctic Lands

Just made another edit to the gulag factbook

The Sith Salamander of Oceanic AI of Arctic Ocean

Arctic Lands wrote:Just made another edit to the gulag factbook

just made another edit in my anime girls collection. Look

The Sith Salamander of Oceanic AI of Arctic Ocean

The Feminist Empire of Three Galaxies

Mhaul wrote:type with normal american letters.

no more americans pl0x. it's enough that i was assimilated.

The Sith Salamander of Oceanic AI of Arctic Ocean

Three Galaxies wrote:no more americans pl0x. it's enough that i was assimilated.

good night cute butterfly i will steal all your plushies and butter tonight

The Great nest and True artist of Land of bird

Land of bird wrote:Me being 15 seems wrong. Maybe because I haven't really changed in mass or height for at least a year. I should eat more.

I ate 2.5 plates of Chinese takeaway. Would have been 3 if there were more noodles left.

Scp-001 the scarlet king

Land of bird wrote:I ate 2.5 plates of Chinese takeaway. Would have been 3 if there were more noodles left.


The Ersialistlik Organisatsioon of Perno Comitee

Soudurine Language
Сыудуринижке Ялмў
Syudurinižkie Jalmā
[sɤudurinʲiʒkʲe jalmɜ]

Spoken in: Krala-Soudurina, Pachadistan
Endangerment Status: Safe
Ethnicity: 1 980 000
Native Speakers: 1 950 000
Language Family: Southern-Echemin, Echemin
Standard forms: Soudurine, Eastern Soudurine
Official language in:


Close: i y ɨ u ŭ
Near-Close: ɪ ʊ
Close-Mid: e ø ɤ o
Mid: ə
Open-Mid: ɛ ɜ
Near-Open: æ
Open: ɑ ɒ

Plosive: p b t d k g q
Nasal: m n ɲ ŋ ɴ
Trill: r
Fricative: f v s z ʃ ʒ x h
Approximant: ʋ j *w
Lateral Approximant: l

*[w] appears only in a few accents.


Аа [ɑ]
Бб [b]
*Вв [v]
Гг [g]
Дд [d]
Ее [e]/[je]
Ёё [jo]
Жж [ʒ]
Зз [z]
Ѕѕ [dz]
*Ии [i]
Її [ji]
Йй [j]/[i]
Кк [k]
Къкъ [q]
Лл [l]
Мм [m]
Нн [n]
Ньнь [ɲ]
Ңң [ŋ~ɴ]
*Оо [o~ɒ]
Пп [p]
Рр [r]
Сс [s]
Тт [t]
Уу [u]
Ўў [ɜ]/[ŭ]
Фф [f]
Хх [x]
Һһ [h]
Цц [ts]
Чч [tʃ]
Шш [ʃ]
Щщ [ʃtʃ]
ъ [◌ː ]/[j]
Ыы [ɤ]/[ə]
ь [◌ːʲ]
*Ээ [ɛ~ɜ]
Юю [ju]
Яя [ja]
Ӓ ӓ [æ]
Ӧ ӧ [ø]
Ӱ ӱ [y]

*Вв is pronounced [ʋ] if at the beggining of the word, and pronounced [f] if at the end of the word.
*Ии is pronounced [ɪ] when next to Ээ.
*Оо, when in a unstressed syllable, is pronounced [ɑ].
*Ээ, when in a unstressed syllable, is silent. And Changes nearby [ɑ] to [æ].

Aa [ɑ]
Āā [ɜ]
Bb [b]
Cc [ts]
Čč [tʃ]
Dd [d]
Ee [e]
*Éé [ɛ~ɜ]
Ff [f]
Gg [g]
Hh [Hh]
*Ii [i]
Íí [ɨ]
Ïï [ji]
Jj [j]
Kk [k]
KHkh [x]
Ll [l]
Mm [m]
Nn [n]
NJnj [ɲ]
Ꞑꞑ/Ññ [ŋ~ɴ]
*Oo [o~ɒ]
Pp [p]
Rr [r]
Ss [s]
Šš [ʃ]
Z [z]
Ž [ʒ]
Tt [t]
Uu [u]
Ūū [ŭ]
*Vv [v]
Ää [æ]
Öö [ø]
Üü [y]
Yy [ɤ]/[ə]
YOyo [ʊ]

*Vv is pronounced [ʋ] if at the beggining of the word, and pronounced [f] if at the end of the word.
*Ii is pronounced [ɪ] when next to Éé.
*Oo, when in a unstressed syllable, is pronounced [ɑ].
*Éé, when in a unstressed syllable, is silent. And Changes nearby [ɑ] to [æ].
Read dispatch

Bouncepot, what you think?

Post by Isreail suppressed by Earthly Cossack.

The Democratic Republic of Isreail

im banned off this sever :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(😭

The 🌻 Sunflower Conspiracy 🌻 of Earthly Cossack

Cyptopir wrote:I have no idea whose job is polls. It used to be mine like 3-4 months ago, but that was in a past term.
Try Earthly Cossack and if they don't know, [nation]Toerana[/natio].

It’s kind of a split thing, if you have the perms ask Bow and if approved then can be made. If you have an idea you can pitch it to one of us.

The United States of AMERICAAAA

Toerana Is he or she or it or thing ever online?

The Great nest and True artist of Land of bird

The Republic of Polytheist Pagan

Damn, looks like France just ousted their PM for the first time since 1962

The United States of AMERICAAAA

Polytheist Pagan wrote:Damn, looks like France just ousted their PM for the first time since 1962


The Singularity of Bouncepot

Perno Comitee wrote:
Soudurine Language
Сыудуринижке Ялмў
Syudurinižkie Jalmā
[sɤudurinʲiʒkʲe jalmɜ]

Spoken in: Krala-Soudurina, Pachadistan
Endangerment Status: Safe
Ethnicity: 1 980 000
Native Speakers: 1 950 000
Language Family: Southern-Echemin, Echemin
Standard forms: Soudurine, Eastern Soudurine
Official language in:


Close: i y ɨ u ŭ
Near-Close: ɪ ʊ
Close-Mid: e ø ɤ o
Mid: ə
Open-Mid: ɛ ɜ
Near-Open: æ
Open: ɑ ɒ

Plosive: p b t d k g q
Nasal: m n ɲ ŋ ɴ
Trill: r
Fricative: f v s z ʃ ʒ x h
Approximant: ʋ j *w
Lateral Approximant: l

*[w] appears only in a few accents.


Аа [ɑ]
Бб [b]
*Вв [v]
Гг [g]
Дд [d]
Ее [e]/[je]
Ёё [jo]
Жж [ʒ]
Зз [z]
Ѕѕ [dz]
*Ии [i]
Її [ji]
Йй [j]/[i]
Кк [k]
Къкъ [q]
Лл [l]
Мм [m]
Нн [n]
Ньнь [ɲ]
Ңң [ŋ~ɴ]
*Оо [o~ɒ]
Пп [p]
Рр [r]
Сс [s]
Тт [t]
Уу [u]
Ўў [ɜ]/[ŭ]
Фф [f]
Хх [x]
Һһ [h]
Цц [ts]
Чч [tʃ]
Шш [ʃ]
Щщ [ʃtʃ]
ъ [◌ː ]/[j]
Ыы [ɤ]/[ə]
ь [◌ːʲ]
*Ээ [ɛ~ɜ]
Юю [ju]
Яя [ja]
Ӓ ӓ [æ]
Ӧ ӧ [ø]
Ӱ ӱ [y]

*Вв is pronounced [ʋ] if at the beggining of the word, and pronounced [f] if at the end of the word.
*Ии is pronounced [ɪ] when next to Ээ.
*Оо, when in a unstressed syllable, is pronounced [ɑ].
*Ээ, when in a unstressed syllable, is silent. And Changes nearby [ɑ] to [æ].

Aa [ɑ]
Āā [ɜ]
Bb [b]
Cc [ts]
Čč [tʃ]
Dd [d]
Ee [e]
*Éé [ɛ~ɜ]
Ff [f]
Gg [g]
Hh [Hh]
*Ii [i]
Íí [ɨ]
Ïï [ji]
Jj [j]
Kk [k]
KHkh [x]
Ll [l]
Mm [m]
Nn [n]
NJnj [ɲ]
Ꞑꞑ/Ññ [ŋ~ɴ]
*Oo [o~ɒ]
Pp [p]
Rr [r]
Ss [s]
Šš [ʃ]
Z [z]
Ž [ʒ]
Tt [t]
Uu [u]
Ūū [ŭ]
*Vv [v]
Ää [æ]
Öö [ø]
Üü [y]
Yy [ɤ]/[ə]
YOyo [ʊ]

*Vv is pronounced [ʋ] if at the beggining of the word, and pronounced [f] if at the end of the word.
*Ii is pronounced [ɪ] when next to Éé.
*Oo, when in a unstressed syllable, is pronounced [ɑ].
*Éé, when in a unstressed syllable, is silent. And Changes nearby [ɑ] to [æ].
Read dispatch

Bouncepot, what you think?

Pretty good

The Interstellar Commonwealth of Toerana

AMERICAAAA wrote:Toerana Is he or she or it or thing ever online?

I'm online quite frequently, I just don't spend all of my time on the RMB.

The Republic of Polytheist Pagan

Toerana wrote:I'm online quite frequently, I just don't spend all of my time on the RMB.

I would hope you don't, otherwise you would go insane...well more than you already are at least.

The Oppressed Peoples of Alymurh

Hi guys/girls non-binary!

The Republic of Valethyr

A few days after a controversial law was enacted, a significant protest erupted in Vacore, a bustling naval port known for its diverse immigrant population. Many individuals from various racial backgrounds, excited to secure their futures, gathered their passports and flocked to Citizenship Centers in hopes of becoming citizens of Valethyr. However, these hopeful gatherings were met with fierce opposition as protests erupted largely fueled by racists, anti-furry sentiment, and those harboring deep-seated racial animosity.

Footage captured by onlookers and broadcasted by news outlets revealed the intensity of the situation. Tensions escalated dramatically when, in an unrelated yet equally alarming incident, rioting broke out in Haven, an inland city adjacent to the border. A mob armed with improvised weapons attacked a transport walker responsible for moving a large group of immigrants. The scene was chaotic and tragic, resulting in an estimated 1,000 deaths, including both immigrants and law enforcement personnel.

In the days that followed, local and national liberal governments took a firm stance, publicly announcing their decision to uphold the controversial law despite the backlash. This declaration incited yet another riot, which quickly A few days after a controversial law was enacted, a significant protest erupted in Vacore, a bustling naval port known for its diverse immigrant population. Many individuals from various racial backgrounds, excited to secure their futures, gathered their passports and flocked to Citizenship Centers in hopes of becoming citizens of Valethyr. However, these hopeful gatherings were met with fierce opposition as protests erupted largely fueled by racists, anti-furry sentiment, and those harboring deep-seated racial animosity.

Footage captured by onlookers and broadcasted by news outlets revealed the intensity of the situation. Tensions escalated dramatically when, in an unrelated yet equally alarming incident, rioting broke out in Haven, an inland city adjacent to the border. A mob armed with improvised weapons attacked a transport walker responsible for moving a large group of immigrants. The scene was chaotic and tragic, resulting in an estimated 1,000 deaths, including both immigrants and law enforcement personnel.

In the days that followed, local and national liberal governments took a firm stance, publicly announcing their decision to uphold the controversial law despite the backlash. This declaration incited yet another riot, which quickly spiraled out of control. Local border guards, overwhelmed by the escalating violence, intervened after issuing numerous warnings. In a harrowing display of force, the guards fired upon the rioters, leading to a catastrophic loss of life—8,216 individuals perished in this tragic confrontation. As the smoke settled and the chaos waned, the streets were left eerily quiet, but the death toll remained uncertain, as countless bodies may still lie undiscovered.

This grim narrative serves as a stark chapter in Valethyr's ongoing struggle with racial tensions and the complex dynamics of immigration.

Read dispatch

made an dispatch following the new law I made which can be seen here

Lately, the military of Valethyr has been experiencing an influx of volunteers, primarily from the Protogen race. This furry species is notably friendly and has gained recognition as "Protogen Troopers." They have been photographed serving as officers in tanks, in infantry divisions, and as part of ship crews. Their unique combat capabilities, akin to human-like robots, have significantly bolstered both national and regional power in Valethyr.

Additionally, this surge of volunteers has motivated the government to broaden its borders to embrace more races. Consequently, Valethyr has adopted the title of "Race Freedom Nation," allowing individuals of any race to apply for citizenship. To do so, one must pass through the Citizenship checkpoint, the final barrier to entry into Valethyr. At this checkpoint, applicants must present their valid papers and passports from the Other Checkpoints. Once verified, anyone can become a citizen of Valethyr, regardless of their race.

Read factbook

The Oppressed Peoples of Alymurh

Hi guys/girls non-binary!


I use YouTube music so I don't have to deal with having wrapped's late

The Unforgiving Cold of Arctic Lands

Valethyr wrote: made an dispatch following the new law I made which can be seen here

I'm gonna make a bunch of corrections.

Titles are usually written with every word beginning with a capital letter, and punctuation marks aren't used at the end. For example,

Headlines Are Written Like This

And it's "Protests", not " Protest's".

The Oppressed Peoples of Alymurh

To anyone who needs a friend or a hug lemme know

The Commonwealth of I couldnt come up with a name

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I'm back from some time.

The Cold Barren Wasteland of Mhaul

Alymurh wrote:To anyone who needs a friend or a hug lemme know

"to anyone who needs a hug lmk, i know a guy"

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