«12. . .34,05734,05834,05934,06034,06134,06234,063. . .34,97834,979»
Messages |
The Marine Salamander of Oceanic AI of Arctic Ocean Hi Fayria! |
hello everyone im bows burgers Dakota, Mhaul, Three Galaxies, Tungstan, and 2 othersCyptopir, and Raiding puPpeT |
The Federal Republic of Socialist State Fayria I'm working on Rimarij Vożajku's speech about friendship and socialism |
Fayria, what do you think about those dispatches I made, also what are some stereotypes Fayrians have about the Pelsaqui? |
The I LOVE RAIDING PUPPET of Raiding puPpeT i think Bobberino wants me to join WA affairs |
do you have reject patties |
The Oppressed Peoples of Alymurh Hello there |
we only sell the special pacman burger made by some Yorkshirian estonian hybrid being |
hello [i] Deprauration and Alymurh |
What do you think about our lord and savior, his holiness, the one, the only, Raiding puPpeT? |
The Dictatorship of The Nationalist party of Spain If he's a "God" then im out. |
Post by Alymurh suppressed by Earthly Cossack. The Oppressed Peoples of Alymurh https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbrockleytree.com%2Fhow-does-bark-grow-back-on-a-tree%2F&psig=AOvVaw3Euv6z_Y5zR-glS1_2aYgu&ust=1731523183771000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCLDs69O414kDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE |
Post by Alymurh suppressed by Earthly Cossack. The Oppressed Peoples of Alymurh https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FWoof%2Fdp%2FB0CNT5PLR6&psig=AOvVaw3MgJBkSSoYUhvrTPBS4hNk&ust=1731523226094000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCMCpiei414kDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE |
The Interdimensional Union of Deprauration Yeah we have a problem with underpopulation, and tbh the best way to fix it is, I don't know, fix the goddamn government??? Take care of social issues??? give women proper rights??? |
That would be too simple. The solution seems to be by many governments to be to torture them like Ellen in I Have No Mouth and Must Scream. |
The Maniacal Egotism of Cyptopir Those urls are safe, they're just way too long. Can't you just ctrl+c your search bar? |
0 stars |
The Dictatorship of The Nationalist party of Spain then we must call the exorsist |
The Maniacal Egotism of Cyptopir 10/5 stars |
Rolls down with a full prince outfit still on |
The I LOVE RAIDING PUPPET of Raiding puPpeT i am a god amazing. he's beautiful and a god |
The Drop the Damn Meat Okuyasu of Angevin-Romanov Crimea no you took a wrong turn Tungstan and Jaktokington |