Governor: The Fallen One of The Dark Titan

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Fallen One of The Dark Titan

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Largest Mining Sector: 667th Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 977th Most Patriotic: 995th+23
Most Subsidized Industry: 1,110th Most Efficient Economies: 1,170th Most Corrupt Governments: 1,287th Most Advanced Law Enforcement: 1,297th Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 1,300th Nudest: 1,314th Most Devout: 1,323rd Highest Wealthy Incomes: 1,324th Most Advanced Defense Forces: 1,340th Largest Manufacturing Sector: 1,419th Most Nations: 1,639th Most Developed: 1,703rd Most Armed: 1,920th Largest Information Technology Sector: 1,968th Highest Average Incomes: 1,986th Most Valuable International Artwork: 2,035th Largest Black Market: 2,222nd Largest Governments: 2,257th Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 2,350th Most Scientifically Advanced: 2,453rd Most Advanced Public Education: 2,537th Greatest Rich-Poor Divides: 2,559th Lowest Crime Rates: 2,785th
World Factbook Entry

Beat or be beaten! This is the way of the Legion!

We are Legion! We are Infinite!
We are Legion! We are Infinite!
We are Legion! We are Infinite!
We are Legion! We are Infinite!
We are Legion! We are Infinite!

Embassies: Interastral Peace Corporation.

Tags: Medium and Password.

The Burning Legion contains 14 nations, the 1,639th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Cheese Export Sector in The Burning Legion

Qualified World Census Cheese Masters nibbled their way across the globe to determine which nations have the most developed cheese exports.

As a region, The Burning Legion is ranked 4,097th in the world for Largest Cheese Export Sector.

1.The Dreadlord of MephistrothFather Knows Best State“Savor your victory while you can, warlock.”
2.The Defiler of ArchimondePsychotic Dictatorship“Let the echoes of doom resound across this world”
3.The Dreadlord of AnetheronPsychotic Dictatorship“You are defenders of a doomed world.”
4.The Burning Legion of Ereder Lord JaraxxusFather Knows Best State“YOU FACE JARAXXUS! EREDER LORD OF THE BURNING LEGION!”
5.The Doomlord of KazzakMoralistic Democracy“All life must be eradicated!”
6.The Burning Legion Agent of Hakkar the HoundmasterAuthoritarian Democracy“Your world is the master's now. Surrender!”
7.The Pit Lord of MagtheridonInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The might of Magtheridon cannot be denied!”
8.The Pit Lord of AzgalorMoralistic Democracy“This time, there will be no escape!”
9.The Fallen One of The Dark TitanCorporate Police State“You are strong, but not strong enough.”
10.The Dreadlord of VarimathrasIron Fist Consumerists“Sylvanas has greater strength than you know, brother.”

Regional Happenings


The Burning Legion Regional Message Board

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