
Region: Texas


The Famous Wing Chun Grandmaster of Yip Man

Fort verden wrote:

Yip Man: Max, as soon as Big Tex has chosen his prize you should post your choice so I can award your prize to you.


I've started a Texas card collection. Can I please have a Trecdom2 Season 1 card from Elven king thranduil. Thanks in advance.

Btw I'd like to share this really cool dispatch by Valentine Z I've just found:

Disclaimer / Warning: this dispatch has A LOT of photos - some mine, some are from others! Please ensure that you have enough data!

Brought to you by: The Wonderful World!

Hello to you, my friend! Valentine Z, at your service!

How have you been? Have you been well?

I know, I know... this virus is not going away just yet.

Not much in the way of good things happening? The dreadful feeling, perhaps.

Well, do not worry, for I am here once again! I am far from a professional, but here I am again!

If you are reading this, you have been one of the most wonderful persons I have the pleasure of meeting.

A great person like you deserves a break like many others! A festive time to rest in!

A time to recoup, and to share the joy of giving!

Whether or not you are celebrating this alone...

Or with your loved ones...

I wish you a Happy Holidays, and may you be blessed with wonderfulness!

You deserve a break, and Happiness as many others.

I hope you have a festive season ahead of you, whether or not you celebrate Christmas!

Happy Holidays to you, and may 2021 be very good for you!

The Future can be very uncertain...

One thing is for sure...

You are all the best community I have ever been a part of. Thank you.

The World is a wonderful place to be in, even if the news are a little... negative.

There is always solace in the littlest of things.

I am not a professional therapist, but if you ever need someone to talk to or are overwhelmed...

I will always be here for you. I never leave my friends out, and I will keep it private. You deserve to be loved and heard.

Happy Holidays, and All the Best! Your stranger/friend, Valentine Z.

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NewTexas, Fort verden, Kyletana, and Talitha macer
