Governor: The Protectorate of Ravirua

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Protectorate of Ravirua

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Nudest: 1,320th Greatest Rich-Poor Divides: 2,047th
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to Octobris!
A new vision for a friendly, casual, and social regional environment.

Originally founded on 16 September 2015, by St nikolo. Refounded 30 July 2017 by Ravirua.

Welcome to Octobris, a free and open region famous for its brilliant autumn foliage and its welcoming natives!
Information on regional politics and governance to be published soon!

Embassies: Bus Stop, House of the Rising Sun, Conaidhm na Cairde, Oak Islands, Windfrost Peaks, Black Mist Federation, Right to Life, Northwest Isles, Igewu, United Island Nations, Baradoz, Blackacre, Autumn, Bracara et Caralis, Dispatchia, United Amber Islands, and 1 other.Wild Birch Forest.

Tags: Conservative, Independent, Neutral, and Small.

Octobris contains 7 nations, the 3,273rd most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Extensive Public Healthcare in Octobris

World Census interns were infected with obscure diseases in order to test which nations had the most effective and well-funded public healthcare facilities.

As a region, Octobris is ranked 11,035th in the world for Most Extensive Public Healthcare.

1.The Loving Couple of Awesome GirlfriendFather Knows Best State“Lumity”
2.The Dominion of Pumpkin-Spice IslandsCapitalizt“Pumpkins pumpkins”
3.The Armed Republic of RaxinidanCapitalist Paradise“Anthim Des Salim”
4.The Armed Republic of SkovashonCapitalizt“Aslovaniūs cūos Lomit”
5.The Federative Republic of IgaustiaCompulsory Consumerist State“You stand where you sit”
6.The Armed Republic of AkotedanScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Aslovanius cuos Lomit”
7.The Protectorate of RaviruaAnarchy“Hear that sound?”

Regional Happenings


Octobris Regional Message Board