Governor: Mest39

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: Nerevania

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 842nd Largest Agricultural Sector: 2,271st Most Devout: 2,859th
World Factbook Entry


Tags: Governorless, Minuscule, and Password.

NAOSSP is home to a single nation.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Conservative in NAOSSP

Citizens in nations ranked highly tend to have greater restrictions placed on what they may do in their personal lives, whether via community values or government-imposed law.

As a region, NAOSSP is ranked 24,883rd in the world for Most Conservative.

1.The Empire of The TigeriaCivil Rights Lovefest“Dont Murder, Just Destroy”

Regional Happenings

  • : Governor Mest39 ceased to exist.
  • : Pearllandia ceased to exist.
  • : Mest39 succeeded Nerevania as Governor of NAOSSP.
  • : Regional Founder Nerevania ceased to exist.
  • : The Empire of Marspideria ceased to exist.
  • : Ffooww ceased to exist.
  • : Ell4 ceased to exist.
  • : Clot ceased to exist.
  • : Golfballs ceased to exist.
  • : The republican russians ceased to exist.


NAOSSP Regional Message Board


The Empire of Marspideria

I have an idea no body does anything and just leaves it open

The Empire of Marspideria


The Empire of Marspideria

I have an idea no body does anything and just leaves it open

The Empire of Marspideria

Just leave it open no body does anything about the vice or officer

The Empire of Marspideria

We can all do a part of them

The Empire of Marspideria

Thank you

The Empire of Marspideria

brb i have issues

The german united kingdom


The Empire of The Tigeria

NAOSSP is falling apart and collapsing, Please be ready to evacuate if needed.

The Empire of The Tigeria

I am the only one left..

Forum View