Governor: The Dominion of Arkayn Stretenby

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Dominion of Arkayn Stretenby

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Largest Agricultural Sector: 1st Largest Black Market: 2nd Largest Furniture Restoration Industry: 3rd+53
Highest Economic Output: 3rd Largest Cheese Export Sector: 5th Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 5th Highest Poor Incomes: 7th Highest Average Incomes: 7th Largest Manufacturing Sector: 9th Largest Basket Weaving Sector: 15th Largest Insurance Industry: 16th Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 18th Largest Mining Sector: 19th Largest Publishing Industry: 19th Most Efficient Economies: 20th Largest Governments: 28th Most Advanced Defense Forces: 31st Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 37th Most Corrupt Governments: 47th Rudest Citizens: 52nd Lowest Crime Rates: 57th Most Devout: 58th Smartest Citizens: 64th Most Influential: 66th Highest Disposable Incomes: 66th Most Advanced Public Transport: 66th Most Stationary: 72nd Most Avoided: 73rd Most Subsidized Industry: 79th Most Beautiful Environments: 83rd Most Patriotic: 87th Most Advanced Public Education: 122nd Highest Food Quality: 127th Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 132nd Largest Populations: 155th Most Scientifically Advanced: 170th Highest Wealthy Incomes: 171st Largest Retail Industry: 193rd Healthiest Citizens: 203rd Most Developed: 233rd Most Politically Apathetic Citizens: 248th Largest Pizza Delivery Sector: 261st Largest Soda Pop Sector: 273rd Largest Information Technology Sector: 319th Most Cultured: 332nd Most Advanced Law Enforcement: 353rd Most Valuable International Artwork: 357th Most Popular Tourist Destinations: 399th Fattest Citizens: 625th Most Armed: 768th Most Eco-Friendly Governments: 786th Most World Assembly Endorsements: 1,168th Safest: 1,254th Longest Average Lifespans: 1,739th Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 2,063rd Most Authoritarian: 2,397th
World Factbook Entry

Macfora is a small friendly forum where we have fun and help solve problems with members computers.

Tags: Independent, Minuscule, and Password.

Macfora Forever contains 3 nations.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Trout Fishing Sector in Macfora Forever

The World Census conducted frenzied haggling with fishmongers in order to determine which nations have the largest fishing industries.

As a region, Macfora Forever is ranked 2,063rd in the world for Largest Trout Fishing Sector.

1.The Sadistic Republic of Bright AngelPsychotic Dictatorship“Get Outa Here!!”
2.The Dominion of Arkayn StretenbyCivil Rights Lovefest“Whatever!!”
3.The Grand State of ColoninoScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Death To All Not Of Macfora”

Regional Happenings


Macfora Forever Regional Message Board



Wooo, my nation is the most beautiful in the region!

Btw, I'm a Capitalist Paradise all of a sudden. The other day I was a Scandinavian Liberal Paradise, and before that a Left Leaning College State. Change can come rapidly, it seems.

The Sadistic Republic of Bright Angel

I have the best place to gamble!!

But I am also a Corporate Police State!!

The Dominion of Arkayn Stretenby

I now have the happiest citizens!!

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