Governor: The Theocracy of Redemptoria

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Dynamite Sticks of Cyclical Saboteur

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Largest Black Market: 184th Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 224th Largest Furniture Restoration Industry: 238th+34
Largest Manufacturing Sector: 249th Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 283rd Largest Mining Sector: 311th Most Corrupt Governments: 342nd Most Advanced Law Enforcement: 433rd Most Devout: 471st Most Subsidized Industry: 523rd Highest Average Incomes: 526th Highest Wealthy Incomes: 581st Most Advanced Defense Forces: 589th Most Patriotic: 641st Highest Economic Output: 716th Largest Basket Weaving Sector: 760th Most Politically Apathetic Citizens: 921st Most Efficient Economies: 949th Highest Poor Incomes: 1,184th Largest Information Technology Sector: 1,194th Lowest Crime Rates: 1,253rd Largest Governments: 1,304th Most Developed: 1,362nd Largest Agricultural Sector: 1,374th Most Advanced Public Education: 1,529th Most Scientifically Advanced: 1,560th Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 1,565th Nudest: 1,575th Highest Disposable Incomes: 1,649th Largest Soda Pop Sector: 1,674th Largest Retail Industry: 1,874th Highest Average Tax Rates: 2,258th Smartest Citizens: 2,472nd Most Nations: 2,538th Most Avoided: 2,622nd Most Advanced Public Transport: 2,639th Most Valuable International Artwork: 2,803rd
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to Doll Guldur which was refounded by members of The West Pacific Armed Forces on the 26th May, 2017.

Whilst it is appreciated that all of you are either awaiting your next mission or enjoying some rest and recuperation, maybe you would like to add a note to posterity by adding a few pithy or snarky comments on the rmb :) Alternatively, you might enjoy watching this lighthearted, spoof TWPAF recruitment video which was produced by TWP's Regional Sniper Yy4u

If you wish to retire a TWPAF puppet in Doll Guldur, send a message to Cyclical Saboteur and entry will be arranged.

Embassies: the West Pacific, Atlantic, Versailles Isle, Yuno, mr money headquarters, The Holy Empire of the Papa John, The Borenzoist Clan, Altino, South Lebanon, Dominion of Alpha Centauri, MARHAENISME for The World, Stahlpakt, The Free West Pacific, Pacifists, The West Pacifica, Army of Freedom, and 63 others.The Apiary, Union of Socialist Totalitarian Nations, Covfefe, The Theriolycanthropic Union, Confederacy of Layem, Empire of Love, Fort annabel, Aynia, United Fascist, African but Spanish, La Gran Region Comunista Hispanohablante, Merkopa, The Islamic Army, Republic of Genua, Novelveticum, Interim, Viertes Genuan Reich, United Islamic Association, Fascist Solidarity Axis, Fascist Imperium Californiae, Fascists United, German Westphalia, Association of Islamic Nations, Hamas, The Islamic States, The Ztanslandistrian Empire, Die Vereinigte Faschistische Front, Iron Wolf Pact, The Neu Nintenian Empire, League of Basedness, The Steel Imperivm, Hindu Reich, Sycamore Pact, Pinochet, Ariosophy, The New Axis Powers, Coalition of Nations Against Subversion, Soviet People of Vichtander, United Human Imperium, TWP Revolution, west pacific crab sanctuary, CRAB, Anti West Pacific Alliance, Nomic, The End, Weather, Algerheaven, Anti TWP Alliance, TAO, Valdosta, Warzone Australia, Kingdoms of Missouri, America Through Presidencies, Newest HydraLeujah, Kerbal Kind Little Toys, Corfu islands, Pregejo de sankta georgo, nevoeiro, Philippinas, Confederation of Corrupt Dictators, Access The Axis, Imamiyyah Popular Mobilization Brigades, and Orthodox Radical Occupational Republic.

Tags: Anti-Fascist, Password, Puppet Storage, Small, Snarky, and World Assembly.

Doll Guldur contains 9 nations, the 2,538th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Pacifist in Doll Guldur

Nations ranked highly pursue diplomatic solutions rather than military ones in the international arena, have small or nonexistent militaries, and peace-loving citizens.

As a region, Doll Guldur is ranked 29,143rd in the world for Most Pacifist.

1.The Constitutional Crabery of Captain KrabsPsychotic Dictatorship“Walking Sideways”
2.The Theocracy of RedemptoriaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“God's Will”
3.The Poor Peasants of Pinkest PantherAuthoritarian Democracy“Pink is the New Black”
4.The Sentient of Silent SnorerDemocratic Socialists“He Who Laughs Last Laughs Longest”
5.The Boozer of Sozzled SantaCorrupt Dictatorship“Cheers!”
6.The Red Hot Sizzler of Sexy SantaMoralistic Democracy“Red Hot Sandra”
7.The Dynamite Sticks of Cyclical SaboteurFather Knows Best State“Mind the Mine, it's Mine!”
8.The Holy Riders of Stone of CaliburnFather Knows Best State“Disinherited Brains”
9.The Unholy Terrors of Captain BonesCorrupt Dictatorship“ARRH!”

Regional Happenings


Doll Guldur Regional Message Board


The Holy Riders of Stone of Caliburn

Redemptoria wrote:I'm sorry I missed the action!

Redemptoria Better than being MIA!

The Theocracy of Redemptoria

sweeps up, restocks the bar and snacks

The Theocracy of Redemptoria

gets the grill ready for the season

The Dynamite Sticks of Cyclical Saboteur

Redemptoria wrote:gets the grill ready for the season

*looks for some nuisance nations for our pirates to grill!*

The Theocracy of Redemptoria

Cyclical Saboteur wrote:*looks for some nuisance nations for our pirates to grill!*


The Dynamite Sticks of Cyclical Saboteur

*Awakes from a rum-ridden rest*

The Dynamite Sticks of Cyclical Saboteur

*Awakes from a CTE slumber and takes a swig o' rum!*

The Theocracy of Redemptoria

A toast to rebirth!

The Holy Riders of Stone of Caliburn

*Dusts off cover of the region’s message board and scribes a few pithy words.*

The Theocracy of Redemptoria

restocks the bar

Forum View