Governor: Bettaland

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: Bettaland

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Nudest: 525th Largest Furniture Restoration Industry: 1,128th Largest Insurance Industry: 1,429th+2
Largest Cheese Export Sector: 2,478th Largest Pizza Delivery Sector: 2,924th
World Factbook Entry

This is a betta loving, low taxes region

Embassies: The Embassy, Gypsy Lands, The Bar on the corner of every region, Train Station, Hollow Point, Bus Stop, Oneid, and Bobbersonian palace.

Tags: Governorless and Minuscule.

Crowntail continent contains 2 nations.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Conservative in Crowntail continent

Citizens in nations ranked highly tend to have greater restrictions placed on what they may do in their personal lives, whether via community values or government-imposed law.

As a region, Crowntail continent is ranked 20,510th in the world for Most Conservative.

1.The Disputed Territories of FieldhousesInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Keep the Fieldhouse Clean.”
2.The Legacy of Emilie XIVCorporate Bordello“Money makes the world go around.”

Regional Happenings


Crowntail continent Regional Message Board



Canadian mountie 3, I am honored to be name a regional officer here.[/quote]

What's your opinions about bettas

Post by Canadian mountie 3 suppressed by Magical Law Enforcement.

Canadian mountie 3

Bettaland wrote:Canadian mountie 3, I am honored to be name a regional officer here.

What's your opinions about bettas[/quote]
Pretty fishies


Canadian mountie 3 wrote:What's your opinions about bettas

Pretty fishies[/quote]
What type of bettas is your favourite

Canadian mountie 3

Post by Canadian mountie 3 suppressed by Magical Law Enforcement.

Canadian mountie 3

Bettaland wrote:Pretty fishies

What type of bettas is your favourite[/quote]
Blue by color. Halfmoon or crowntail otherwise!


Canadian mountie 3 wrote:What type of bettas is your favourite

Blue by color. Halfmoon or crowntail otherwise![/quote]
I've had a crowntail betta and I currently have a mustard gas halfmoon betta

Canadian mountie 3

Post by Canadian mountie 3 suppressed by Magical Law Enforcement.

Canadian mountie 3

Bettaland wrote:

I've had a crowntail betta and I currently have a mustard gas halfmoon betta

Lovely! I like fish

Post by Canadian mountie 3 suppressed by Magical Law Enforcement.

Canadian mountie 3

Do you like neons?


Canadian mountie 3 wrote:Do you like neons?

Are you referring to neon tetras? If so then my opinion is that they're ok, but glofish tetras are cooler

Canadian mountie 3 and Rhinestone Cowboy

The Disputed Territories of Fieldhouses

I have returned from Balder, since this is the only region where I have any authority.

Forum View