President (Governor): The United States of Valokstal

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The United States of Valokstal

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

World Factbook Entry

Welcome to the Commonwealth of National Renewal

Motto: "Strength in Sovereignty, Forward Together, Power in Renewal."

About the Region:

The Commonwealth of National Renewal (CNR) aspires to establish a transformative and visionary alternative for center-right to conservative-right nations seeking to redefine their geopolitical and ideological trajectories beyond the confines of the prevailing global order. its political and social ethos champions individual responsibility, cultural preservation, economic freedom, and a strong, centralized authority to ensure stability and regional cohesion.

Embassies: The Radical Civic Union, The Embassy, The Commonwealth League, Christian Nations Union, Mitteleuropa, Brasil1, Freelands, Government of the Ligurian Republic, Dixie, Barbaria, Pecan Sandies, Guinea Kiribati, The Global Elite, Free United States, The Grand Patriot Empire of Algerheaven, Intercontinental defence accord, and 4 others.The United Patriots Alliance, The Imperial Coalition, League of the Chosen Generation, and Metropolitan Union.

Tags: Anti-Communist, Conservative, Democratic, Independent, Libertarian, Regional Government, and Small.

Commonwealth of National Renewal contains 5 nations, the 4,064th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Nicest Citizens in Commonwealth of National Renewal

World Census sociology experts studied citizens from various nations to determine which seemed most friendly and concerned for others.

As a region, Commonwealth of National Renewal is ranked 22,216th in the world for Nicest Citizens.

1.The Democratic Republic of BRASIL09Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Vc consegue”
2.The Divine Lands of WerolausiaPsychotic Dictatorship“Yn enw Zeventraum!”
3.The Principality of Upper BlussiaordiaCapitalist Paradise“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
4.The United Republic of Inner Ama IamasiaAuthoritarian Democracy“Strength Through Compliance”
5.The Commonwealth of DamodersCompulsory Consumerist State“Peace and Justice”

Regional Happenings


Commonwealth of National Renewal Regional Message Board


The Democratic Republic of BRASIL09

Why did we establish an embassy in this region here?

The Republican Governance Union

The United States of Valokstal

BRASIL09 wrote:Why did we establish an embassy in this region here?

The Republican Governance Union

i think you might ask Damoders for that one

The Divine Lands of Werolausia

Valokstal wrote:i think you might ask Damoders for that one

Region's gone anyways.

Post self-deleted by Werolausia.

The Federation of Soluthwantand

How's it going here

The Divine Lands of Werolausia

Soluthwantand wrote:How's it going here

Could be better.

The United States of Valokstal

Soluthwantand wrote:How's it going here

Good for the moment

The Commonwealth of Harcsorn

Hey how is everyone going.

The United States of Valokstal

Harcsorn wrote:Hey how is everyone going.

for the moment good

The United States of Valokstal

Harcsorn sent me a telegram debating whether or not we should form an alliance or coalition region together, what are peoples thoughts.

Forum View