Governor: The I'll take a uhhhh of Can I Get Uhhh

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The I'll take a uhhhh of Can I Get Uhhh

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Least Corrupt Governments: 855th Most Cheerful Citizens: 1,104th Most Valuable International Artwork: 1,744th+6
Most Extensive Civil Rights: 1,935th Nicest Citizens: 1,958th Highest Drug Use: 2,179th Most Compassionate Citizens: 2,347th Largest Cheese Export Sector: 2,434th Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 2,720th
World Factbook Entry

I'll take uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh one burger restaurant region please.

Warning! Biohazard

Infected: 95.1% (823 million zombies, 42.0 million survivors)

Z-Rating: 28.1 Highly Contagious

Zombie Spotting

Embassies: Ambition, Clockworks, Guinea Kiribati, and Fredonia.

Tags: Minuscule.

Checkers is home to a single nation.

Today's World Census Report

The Safest in Checkers

World Census agents tested the sharpness of household objects, the softness of children's play equipment, and the survival rate of people taking late walks to determine how safe each nation is to visit.

As a region, Checkers is ranked 5,747th in the world for Safest.

1.The I'll take a uhhhh of Can I Get UhhhCivil Rights Lovefest“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh one contrarian opinion please”

Regional Happenings


Checkers Regional Message Board

There are no lodged messages at present.