Governor: Norwalk states

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: Norwalk states

Last WA Update:

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World Factbook Entry

It’s been about 120 years since The lost continent of Australia was discovered by the first satellite 🛰 it’s has become a home of seven new nations and cultures. The Najmi Desert takes up center of the continent located primarily in Ant. While the Fiskhile Mountains ⛰ run from north to south across the whole continent. While the northern part is made up of just three African dissent nations Boxwood, Sedum, and Metro. The South is far more diverse with a Rogue English Monarchy, A Persian Socialist Republic, Persian theocracy, and three democracies. Along with a varieties of islamic Christian and Buddhist cultures

  1. 2

    Australia Map

    FactbookGeography by United Cities of Australia . 20 reads.

Embassies: Guinea Kiribati, Fredonia, Archai, and The Conservative Democracies.

Tags: Governorless, Human-Only, Isolationist, Map, Minuscule, Password, and Puppet Storage.

Australia Continent is home to a single nation.

Today's World Census Report

The Lowest Crime Rates in Australia Continent

World Census agents attempted to lure citizens into committing various crimes in order to test the reluctance of citizens to break the law.

1.The Democratic Republic of United Cities of AustraliaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Victory through God”

Regional Happenings


Australia Continent Regional Message Board

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