Governor: The Kingdom of Bezur

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Kingdom of Bezur

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World Factbook Entry

The region of Astaria is a fantasy region, with races and magic.

Current rp time: Era 0, year 6 (0E6)
28 days = 1 year
Next year: 21 August

Please, the RMB is for roleplay only.

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    Species of Astaria

    MetaReference by Bezur . 24 reads.

  2. 1

    Astaria Resources

    MetaReference by Bezur . 12 reads.

  3. 1

    Astaria Maps

    MetaReference by Bezur . 53 reads.

Embassies: The Embassy, The Field of Paper Flowers, and Ashiliapa.

Tags: Fantasy Tech, Magical, Map, Minuscule, Monarchist, Multi-Species, Password, Past Tech, and Role Player.

Astaria is home to a single nation.

Today's World Census Report

The Lowest Crime Rates in Astaria

World Census agents attempted to lure citizens into committing various crimes in order to test the reluctance of citizens to break the law.

1.The Kingdom of BezurIron Fist Consumerists“Προσεγγίστε με προσοχή”

Regional Happenings


Astaria Regional Message Board


The Kingdom of Bezur

The Sassayan awakening

City of Ophiomahana, 0E1

The kingdom of Sassaya, named after the Sassaya dynasty, was a kingdom of Ophioits. It was formed on violence and trade. Most of the territories were semi-independent and had to pay tribute to the king, who ordered the construction of Ophiomahana, where he took up residence. Soon, this place became a city.

The Vezur Sassaya, former chief of the tribal clan who proclaimed himself king and supported by his warriors after the first wars, was a brutal king who thought that if someone was not with him, was against him. Force was the major source of his power but he did not refuse to negotiate if it went his way. Some villages joined him willingly, and he accepted them, consolidating the new kingdom.

The Ophioit king Vezur Sassaya rolled up in his royal hall. His servants brought him food as a copper-armoured Ophioit stood before him, the captain of the palace guard.

Captain, "Your Majesty wanted to see me ?"
Vezur, "Yes, I have a project, you see? To unite our island under my dynasty."
Captain, "I see and how can I help your majesty ?"
Vezur, "I would like to create a place where warriors such as yourself can train and serve my purposes. I will put builders at your disposal."
Captain, "Good my lord, but what of my duties here ?"
Vezur, "Do you not feel you can do both ?", he said with a laugh and then a bite to eat.
Captain, "Yes, your majesty, forgive my insolence."
Vezur, "Forgiven, but if you should fail in your duties you know what awaits you"
The captain knew that only death awaited him if he failed, "Yes, Your Majesty", he finished, bowing to the king.

Builders were waiting for him in the outer court of the palace. The captain took the time to explain to them what this new building should have in order to train and maintain warriors.

The Sassayan warriors had fought at first with stone weapons but the copper changed their way of fighting, new protection, and weapons that were more effective than stone. The Sassayan waited until they mastered it, but there was yet no place dedicated to the training of warriors en masse.
The building of a Barrack in Ophiomahana begins (will be finished the 10/03)


The Kingdom of Bezur

The Sassayan awakening: Part 2

City of Ophiomahana, 0E1

The captain of the guard had succeeded, the barrack was operational.
To reward the captain, Vezur offered two choices, either he remained captain of the guard or an officer in the new army that the Ophioit king was planning to create.

In the palace

Vezur, "Congratulations Captain, you have succeeded."
Captain, "Thank you your majesty, but the honour belongs to the builders."
Vezur, "Your humility honours you. Tell me Captain, do you like being a guardian ?"
Captain, "I'm not sure I understand, your majesty, but I do indeed like my position."
Vezur, "What if I were to offer you the leadership of my army instead ?"

The captain seemed to hesitate and after a few seconds of thought, "I would prefer to serve you most closely, your majesty. Your safety is more precious to me."
Vezur, "I understand and what about your son, he was trained by you. He could be a good fit."
The captain was surprised, "Your majesty, my son may be a good warrior, but he is not ready. At least not to train so many people."
Vezur, "Oh but he won't be alone, and my decision is made captain, I will put him to the test and we will see."

The captain chose to remain captain of the guard. So it was the captain's 19-year-old son, Maesaru, who was appointed the first officer of the kingdom.

Maesaru was not a random choice, the son of the captain of the guard had received martial training from his father. The young ophioit also served in the guard.
From now on he will have to teach what he has been taught to many people who will make up the strength of the kingdom. This will not be easy and he will need support, like his father's, to run the new barrack.

In the meantime the king had some happy news, the queen had just laid eggs. It will take about 8 months for the three children to be born.

The king did not wait any longer for his wishes, just after he quickly appointed Maesaru, he ordered the formation of a troop of spearmen. The king's project could then soon begin in the next few months.
Formation of a unit of spearmen with copper weapons (finish the 13/03)


The Kingdom of Bezur

The Sassayan Conquest of Ophiokhloros: Part 1

City of Ophiomahana, 0E1

As expected, Maesaru had passed the king's test: to train a troop of spearmen.
Vezur was proud to see his new army in the palace court.
They paraded around the court and showed off some battle formations.
But the one who was most proud was the captain of the guard, for his son had managed to train at least some soldiers who could hold their spears straight.

After a while the young officer, Maesaru, was invited by the king and approached him.

The ophioit king said, "Impressive, do you think they are ready for battle ?"
Maesaru, "I can't say, but they can fight"
Vezur,, "Well let's put them to the test then, I already have an ideal target"

Vezur thought of an area with few inhabitants and value that no other village would care for.

Vezur, "You will take the village of the Ophiokhloros clan. These vile snakes refused to join us despite our power. If they have not joined us willingly, then we will integrate them by force"
Maesaru could see roughly where this neighboring clan of the kingdom was located. It was a small clan that never wanted to be part of the kingdom. He replied to the king, "As you command, your majesty. It shall be done"
Vezur was happy to hear this and headed inside the palace.
Maesaru prepared the army and began the travel to the clan.
Preparing to take a tile by force


The Kingdom of Bezur

The Sassayan Conquest of Ophiokhloros: Part 2

City of Ophiomahana, 0E1

Maesaru arrived at the lands of the Ophiokhloros clan after one or two days of walking. The army was not very large but their equipment was already better than that of some clans. They moved through the jungle, striking in small groups around the area and surrounding the main village of the county. The soldiers looted and killed all those who resisted them.

After a few days of looting, the main village was aware of the attack and prepared for the worst. The clan leader was an old Ophiot named Soclur, he rallied his warriors armed with stone weapons. The small village was surrounded by wood which they manipulated.

Maesaru ordered the attack. He needed a victory to bring back prestige and gain the favour of the king. He ordered his soldiers to split into five groups. Four of these groups would attack in different directions. The attackers had the advantage of numbers and better weapons, it was clear that the defenders were no match for them, so Soclur asked to confront the commander. Maesaru agreed, hesitating as Soclur was still more experienced.

Maesaru and Soclur met between the village and the besieging army.

Soclur, "So you think you can take what you want by force ?"
Maesaru remained calm, he did not answer his opponent but got into a fighting position.
"How arrogant !" said Soclur preparing to charge with his stone spear.
Maesaru dodged the charge and tried to hit the back of his opponent who made a quick turn and with his tail hit and scratched Maesaru's face. Soclur tried again to point his spear into the young commander's flesh but the latter quickly lowered himself, sliding slightly to the side to plant his copper spear in the side of a charging Soclur. Soclur stopped dead in his tracks, pain in his stomach. Maesaru took advantage of the moment to drive the spear in completely. Soclur collapsed despite a vein attempt to prevent Maesaru from driving the spear in. Now it was quiet, and the sounds of the duelists fell silent.

Maesaru approached the village and drove his spear into the ground.
Maesaru shouted, "You have a choice, join your leader or join us !", pointing at Soclur's body.
The enemy warriors looked at each other and their families, then laid down their weapons. Maesaru gave the villagers the honour of eating their former leader, as was customary with the dead Ophioits.

The village was pacified, but it would take some time for the villagers to completely surrender to the kingdom and for the news to reach the palace. The army would stay there for a while before returning to the capital.
One tile captured



Wonders of above P1

Zeng Donghai was sitting in his palace. Wondering what he could do for his people. He looks towards the swaths of empty lands near thriving oasis city of Ga Xinji that was near his grand palace,while also being next to the capital of Zishun. He wondered. Was the Zinbei Xianji(Grand World)really just Delkria or were there other kingdoms and tribes near it. Zeng wondered about the expansion of Delkria. After a long year of fighting between the Gaunzi and Kunzji Dynasties Delkria had been united by the Zaibo Dynasty and has gained the favor of the kingdom. Guyanzi the god of water(Interpreted as male instead of female)had given them islands and land and they thought it was their job to conquer and gain ownership over those islands. Zeng thought of sending settlers to the area to make some settlements and villages in the areas.

"I believe my final say on this is to send the settlers. I believe that we should expand our land. It will increase the size of Delkria and the Zaibo dynasty. I will also want stone for tools."

Ordered Zaibo to his generals.

"I want you to prepare 100 Delkrian settlers to go west. Do everything thoroughly and make sure to NOT abuse your power."


spoke Zeng's 3 best generals Xihan Kiju,Fui Xixi and Zibei Hansho.

Zeng then left and let the 3 generals lead the 100 settlers.

It would be a brutal but worth it journey. Going outside their homelands may take preparation.

The only thing they knew was that it wasn't going to be easy

Bezur and Tontrucaels

The Kingdom of Bezur

The Sassayan expansion in the East

City of Ophiomahana, 0E1

The Ophioit king Vezur, after receiving the news of the conquest of the Ophiokhloros clan, sent several messengers to the clans around the region of the Ophiokhloros clan. This was in itself an ultimatum, the message of which was join or perish. The king had a rather direct diplomacy. He found it a pity that his officer did not destroy the village of Ophiokhloros to set an example, but the effect was there. The young warrior had fought with honour and had respected the village. So the news traveled faster than it took for the king to send his messengers. Most of the army returned to Ophiomahana and from their victory a small parade was organized in honour of Maesaru, the promising and victorious officer of the Sassayan kingdom. The parade lasted a few hours and at the end of the parade on the main road of the capital, Maesaru received a jewel made of snake bone which had multiple representations among the Ophioits, such as the strength, tenacity and speed of its wearer.

Later that day, Maesaru was invited by the King to his gardens.
King Vezur was standing curled up in a small round square.
Vezur in a serious tone, "Ah my officer, how did this 'conquest' really go?"
Maesaru, "What do you mean, your majesty ?"
Vezur, "I only heard news that you only defeated their chief, you didn't do anything to the village ?"
Maesaru was a little surprised, "You would have wanted me to slaughter the village ?"
Vezur frowned, "Do you believe me for a tyrant? No, just that you destroy this village, its destruction would have been a stronger message to the other clans."
Maesaru, "My king, can't such a victory work in our favour?"
Vezur sighed, "Yes, but it usually has less effect."
Maesaru, "If need be I will take the responsibility of bringing the clans back under your rule, your majesty."
Vezur smiled, "I intend to, I have already sent messengers requesting that they recognize us as their king."
Maesaru, "I can only hope that wisdom will give them the best advice and that they will see that their future is with the kingdom."
Vezur who had finished with Maesaru said to him just after, "You may go", which Maesaru did after a few signs of reverence.

Having heard the news from the Sassaya clan, the northern border tribes had decided that they had no other choice, the kingdom was too close to them, but at least they seemed to respect the traditions and their word, if the rumors about the attack on the Ophiokhloros clan were correct. It wasn't long before the messengers returned with a representative of the clans who agreed to bow down and recognize King Vezur as their ruler, Vezur reassured them that as long as they served him, they could keep most of their privileges.

However, the southern clans were less inclined to join. The Dessa clan sent its representative to accept the authority of King Vezur in exchange for privileges, the latter entered with the messenger into the king's palace, although everything went normally, suddenly the messenger added, "I warn you, King Vezur, that my clan will not serve a king who puts his power and conquests before his people."
The king laughed at these words, "There is no conquest, just a unification of all the Ophioit clans."
The representative looked surprised at the king, "What do you mean ?"
The king looked at the representative with a wide smile, "The Sassaya clan does not intend to rule a single kingdom, but to unite the different clans under one rule, in this way we will be able to pay homage to Ouroboros because the Ophioits will then no longer be divided."
The representative said nothing but he thought the king was too ambitious and crazy to speak on behalf of the self-eating god. He then left.

After a few days, the last clan did not send a representative, but the messenger who returned gave a message that the clan chief had delivered orally.
Messenger, "Your majesty, the clan chief Taeru transmits a request to you, he will join you but he asks that a temple be erected to satisfy his own, only the clan chief accepts us"
Vezur, "A temple for their submission ?", the Ophioit king thought it best to play the pious card to soften the ophioits, after all, all respected the snake god. "If this is the only price to pay, tell them that I Vezur agrees to build a temple on the lands of the Aessa clan, at the request of the clan chief Taeru, it will only take a little time"
The messenger nodded and left to deliver the message to the Aessa clan. There was a good chance that the rest of the clan would accept this temple. Of course, building a temple so far away from the capital would also create jealousy within the capital.

The king would still have a lot to do if he wanted his dream to come true, his rapid expansion could bring him more enemies than he thought, sometimes even within his own kingdom.
Expansion in 4 tiles

Post by Mulberry land suppressed by Bezur.

Mulberry land

dead region :/

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