Region: The League
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Gardena Gazette In anticipation of next month's seating of the first Ostlandet Parliament, the organization's headquarters has announced major renovations to the Council building have been completed. The largest renovations come in the form of a massive Meeting Hall, with accomodations to seat 1,200 people and smaller anterooms, for committees and smaller meetings. Liberty City Post-Dispatch Eli Kamun and Yonatan Sol, both alleged employees of the Pavultulori PMC, the Black League, were in court today, as preliminary hearings in federal court dragged on into their third week. Lawyers for both men have been engaged in a significant amount of activity filing superfluous court motions to delay proceedings. Though both men face the death penalty for mass murder, their status as foreign nationals leaves the applicability of that punishment in doubt. They are currently on remand in an undisclosed federal facility, for security reasons as well as concerns that the people who contracted them may seek their silence. It is still unknown who hired the group of mercenaries to destroy the LCPD's Organized Crime Task Force offices, or the federal evidence warehouses on the Humboldt River, but it is alleged that the crimes were committed on behalf of one of the city's crime families. Chicajun Tribune The streaming giant, Dealbh-lėn, was sued by federal regulators who seek to prevent the company's purchase of the Altherton Studios, which is Paleocacher's oldest movie production company. They argued that federal anti-trust law prevents the company from purchasing yet another film studio, Dealbh-lėn bought out two competing studios at a combined value of 6 billion SLK since the company started producing its own cinema in 2012 with Dealbh-Lėnh Productions. The case marks the first time an anti-trust suit has been filed against a streaming service. Politicking Ostlandet Parliament Election: The far right has lost its luster at last. With the DLG dropping six percentage points, it no longer holds the lead in the race to dominate Paleocacher's OU Parliament delegation. Instead it seems likely that the left will dominated with the three largest left-leaning parties predicted to hold a combined 58% of total seats, equivalent to roughly 75 of the 128 allocated for Paleocacher. This shift is certainly a relief to President Fulkerson's administration, which has been trying to distance itself from Paleocacher's far-right in the wake of signing the Declaration on Romerism and Fascism over the summer. With the BF poised to have significant power in the Ostlandet Parliament come January's planned opening session, Paleocacher's delegation being mostly composed of left-wing parties may cause some issue with the country's voice. Paleocacher News Network Investigative journalist Lester Cromwell visited a former Koman Corporation operation in the province of Derixörs in Southern Byasa. The mine was raided two months ago by bandits who shot the security guards and several dozen workers with submachine guns and rifles. The senseless violence is blamed by local residents on a militia aligned with a rival mining concern. Shell casings retrieved at the scene were identified as being manufactured by the Pavultulori National Armory. A visit to the police station closest to the shuttered mine led to an off the books interview with a constable who anonymously provided information, including a cell phone video taken by a local activist that was submitted as evidence. In the video, at least one of the attackers speaks Creeperian Spanish and is notably lighter skinned than the others gunning down the mine's security guards. This massacre, which took place in October is the eleventh major attack on a Rakhmani industrial operation in Byasa in the past three years, and is part of a significant alleged conflict taking place between major international conglomerates, over control of Byasa's significant deposits of gold and diamonds. |