
Region: The League


The Federal Republic of Libersk

Liberskian Broadcasting Company

"Destabilization efforts" - Prime Minister

Last night, a fire broke out in the third floor of the Federal Assembly building. It was seen by Prime Minister Maxwell Koch as an effort to destabilize the political situation in Libersk. "I believe that this is an effort to unseat the Government. This signifies a threat to the democratic order established by our Constitution. The Liberskian Government will act accordingly to these destabilization efforts." said by the Prime Minister in an interview. With the legislative elections coming up in the next three years, a political analyst from the University of Libersk added that the democratic institutions currently in place are "fragile". It is the first time that Libersk has implemented a liberal democratic government. It is important that they will not take this for granted and implement reforms to protect the Constitution or history will repeat itself.
