
Region: the Rejected Realms


The Singularity of Bouncepot


Time period: 365 bc-997 ad

Proto-Ridinian is the suppposed protolanguage of the Ridinian family, spoken somewhere around Modern day Akhergelsk, Russia


nasals: *m *m̩ *n *n̩ *ñ (ɲ) ñ̩ (ɲ̍) *ŋ *ŋ̍
stops: *p *b *t *d *k *ɡ *q *ġ (ɢ) *′ (ʔ)
affricates: *c (ts) *dz *č (tʃ) *dž (dʒ)
ejectives: *p' (pʼ) *t' (tʼ) *c' (tsʼ) *č' (t̠ʃʼ) *k' (kʼ) *q' (qʼ)
fricative: *v *z *ž (ʒ) *ř (ʐ) *ĝ (ɣ) *ğ (ʁ) *h (ɦ)
liquid: *w *l *r̩ (r̩ː) *r (ɽ) *j *ł (ɫ) *l̩ (ɫ̩ː)


close: *i *ü (y) *y (ɨ) *u
nearclose: *ĭ (ɪ̆) *ù (ʊ) *ŭ (ʊ̆)
close-mid: *e *ë (ə) *ö (ɵ̞) *o
nearopen: *ĕ (ɛ̆)
open: *ä (æ) *a (ɑ) *å (ɒ)

Nasal vowels

close: *į (ĩ) *ų̈ (ỹ)
near-close: *ų (ʊ̃)
near-open: *ę (ẽ) *ę̈ (ə̃ )
open *ą̈ (æ̃) *ą (ɒ̃)

Proto-ridinian allegedly had Glottalization, in reconstructions, its transcribed using a hook above, so, say [aˀ] would be transcriped as *ả,

Believe it or not, Proto-Ridinian reconstructions feature tone

mid: *a (a˧)
high: *a̋ (a˦)
low: *ȁ (a˨)

Tone could co exist with stød & nasalition in a single syllable, so you could end up with quadruple diacritics like as in *dğų̈̉̏ (Arrow/Stirrup)
The lack of voiceless fricatives
As you can see, there are no voiceless fricatives, the reason all living Ridinian languages (like Pelsaquin, Fayrian, Gür, & Gátire) have voiceless fricatives, this is is the case due to the voiceless stops leniting to fricatives, & the ejectives shifted to basic stops.
From *Ġ to H
All living Ridinian languages have no [ɢ], how did this happen? It shifted from [ɢ] to [ʕ] to [ɦ]. So *r̩ġę̉̏ (to stir) became Proto-East-Ridinian *r̩ˁȅm̉ to Pelsaquin rhem.
Other branches such as central Ridinian (the branch of Fayrian & Gür), it became [g], so *r̩ġę̉̏ became Proto-Central-Ridinian *r̩̄ğȅm̉ to Gür rgem
In the now extinct Peninsular Ridinian (Spoken in Crimea and some of the Caucasus allegedly, disappeared in ~1970, give or take) branch, *Ġ being [ɢ] was retained, Insular Ridinian (which was historically spoken in Gutland and the Estonian islands of Hiiumaa & Saaremaa, which disappeared in the very late 20th century ~1996, give or take) another extinct branch had *Ġ shift to pharyngeal [ʕ] which in Insular-Ridinian transcriptions is represented by <g̈>
Retroflex [ɽ] to alveolar [ɾ]
All living Ridinian languages like say, Pelsaquin or Gür, have no retroflex tap, instead an alveolar one, this happened because [ɽ] shifted to [ɾ], Some traditional dialects of Pelsaquin preserve the Retroflex [ɽ].
Syllable structure
Proto-Ridinian had a (S)(C)(C)V(C)(S)(P)(C)(V)(C)(S)(F)(P)(S)(C)(V)(C)(C)(V) syllable structure (in reconstructions at least), (S) Indicates a syllabic consonant, (P) a plosive, & (F) a fricative.
Grammatical gender
Proto-Ridinian Probably had grammatical gender, in reconstructions *-ę̈̏ and other midvowels mean masculine, *-į̏ front vowels mean feminine, *-ą̏ & other back vowels masculine, all Ridinian language have lost it tho.
Idk what to put here so just have the list
1- *rą̋
2- *t'ı̋q'ë̏
3- *ře̋
4- *t'ȁ
5- *vĭ̋
6- *rőjù̏
7- *jä̏t'
8- *da̋qȍ
9- *t'ı̋pz
10- *ġa̋t'ȍ
11- *ġa̋t'rą̏
12- *ġa̋t'ik'ë̏
13- *ġa̋trȅ
14- *ġa̋t'jȁq'
15- *ġa̋vit'ë̏
16- *ġa̋t'rojȕ
17- *ġa̋tjetë̏
18- *ġa̋daħo
19- *ġat'ipzë̏
20- *t'i̋qatë̏
30- *re̋jat'ë̏
40- *t'a̋q'qat'ë̏
50- *vi̋t'qat'ë̏
60- *rőjùt'qat'ë̏
70- *je̋tqat'ë̏
80- *da̋qħat'ë̏
90- *t'i̋pqat'ȍ
100- *ja̋ħënȍ
1000- *qa̋t'anë̏

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