
Region: Selene


The Republic of Vekkla

Vekkla News Now

Vekkeli Congress has voted unanimously to enlist all men and women from 18 years old to 50 years of age into the military for a required 3 years of military service. People of wealth are welcome to join voluntarily, but will still be required the 3 years experience and have from the ages of 18 to 35 to do the service or else they will be forcefully put into the system via biometrics. After forced entry, you will get a letter in the mail from the government stating that you mist report to the closest military base or else Vekkeli Military Service Department will be able to arrest you. Maximum sentence for "Non-Participation" is 3 years in maximum security prison, where the training will be done while you're in prison. This law takes effect next week and will continue until Vekkeli Supreme Court says it is unlawful. Live from Consreep...

-Vekkla News Now 10.
