
Region: The Labyrinth


The Principality of A Memer

OwO Wot this


Its been a year, families suffered, men died, industry destroyed, cities bombed, homes destroyed.

A successive series of fights led to push back of the Blue Army from the capitals suburbs and the most devastating of all that the loss of the access to the Baía Tigre and the enciclement and capturing of the forces fighting for the capital and turning them against their former ruler.

Monarchist has been seemingly on the rise in boht land and forces. Their main goal was to get control of Baía Tigre to get a hold of navy clearence and shore bombardment. The lack of man in the front was the problem, due to the GGAM focusing its forces to clear Strasserist armies in the South of the island.

A small amount of fighting took place where the UCSM retook its land lost from the Monarchist, but also there was no fighting at the same time because of the two leaders Khristina I and Michal.

Another Monarchist victory and huge territorial losses for Strasser. The main problem of the Strasserist Army that the Embilican aid that was sent, the soldiers were seemingly doing absolutely nothing, a few soldiers spotted that some of their men retreated and no one knows where they gone.

Another show of Strasserist losses and yet more of soldiers retreating to god knows where, Strasser lost more territory then they gained and yet moving towards capitulation.

The hills were silent and the little farming village was asleep, yet the noise was coming from the forest about 300 meters from the German defensive positions. Staff Sgt Adolf Manstein of the 5th Freikorps company watched the treeline from the hills, located between the town and treeline. The man walked down the trench line, not disturbing his sleeping comrades. The crack of a branch alerted Manstein and he fired a flare to light up the ground and saw an entire company of Strasser forces approaching the hills, Manstein aimed his rifle and fired, the shot made hit its target, after his shot the entire company was wide awake and troops moved to defensive positions. The Strasser forces were exposed and thought they could easily take control, now German machine guns fired upon them, and many ran others lay dead, but most of their forces were wounded, thus medics ran down and treated the wounded before bringing them back to the village to be sent to a POW camp. The skirmish may have been won by German forces, but a long battle waited.
The Battle of Three Hills
It was early morning when the shelling began, the German troops had not expected another attack, but they had readied dugouts to prepare for such an attack. The shelling continued for 4 hours and once the germans came out, they could see hundreds of men charging toward their position, and they had been caught off guard. The first casualty was a young boy, no older than 14, the bullet from a 40-year-old former Royal Gaurd Marksman. The 5k strong Strasser army was against the 500 veteran force of the 5th Freikorps company.
The Strasser troops charged across the open battlefield and the Germans opened fire with their gewehr 98k and MG 08 machine guns, yet the numbers must be counted as the Stasser forces pushed towards the base of the hills. The German MG 08 continued their fire yet the bullets ran out, so Staff Sgt Adolf Manstein order a bayonet charge to desperately push back the advancing troops, as they began to charge down the hill they were met by the faces of young recruits and the sight of the fearless German troops and the “Uraaa” Battlecry broke most the young recruit will and they retreated from the hill in disorganization.

This bayonet charge was the turning point in the battle as this caused the entire left flank to collapse as other German units charged and quickly 1000 of the 5000 Strasser forces were encircled and forced to surrender. The rest of the Strasser forces retreated and the battle was reported to the Friekorp and Pro-GGAE Memer high command. This Was Turning Point of the Southern Peninsula

made by The greater german austrian empire

Yet more territorial loss for Strasser, and yet more retreating. Its been a disaster for Strasser and his ability to lead was quickly questioned.

Wins for the Communists. Without the need to defend and attack the Monarchists, the Red Army redeployed its troops to the other fronts to gain land and manpower.

Bonvolkia and The greater german austrian empire
