
Region: Ridgefield


The Republic of Bretislavia

It is quiet along the eastern front between Bretislavia and Tiskaiya, however, 200 miles from the small town of Jamesburg, that will change

Along the Bretislavian lines of a 1 mile stretch hundreds of artillery cannons begin preparations for a bombardment that will last one hour. In the center of this mass of cannons stand three Bretislavian officers, Colonel Johann Goeben, Major Peter Taylor, and Lt. Colonel Robert Parker. These men represent some of the higher ranking NCOs of the 19th Army Artillery Division. In any moment a barrage should begin.

When the time is right Colonel Goeben steps forward and announces that a mass barrage will begin soon, his men ready their cannons and soon a deadly hellfire will unleash upon unsuspecting Tiskaiyans. Across no-mans land the Tiskai soldiers sit in their trenches, eating their food and and keeping a watchful eye for enemy offensives, their machine gunners eyes remain steady on the front ahead. The loud booms of the cannons can be faintly heard, however some soldiers do not recognize the sound. One soldier looks up in astonishment to see streaks of steel fly over the battlefield, preparing to reign down on him and his comrades. His realization is slow, however he manages to war his squadmates before a loud BOOM is heard not to far from him, the panicked Tiskaiyans run inside their trenches, some too slow to hide under their earthy shelters. This barrage takes the lives of 1,104 men by the time it is over and the Tiskaiyans learn to keep a more watchful eye on their enemies howitzers.

(For a better visual, watch this as this event was heavily inspired by it.)
