
Region: Europe


The Final of The Champions League

The Kingdom of Denmark wrote:150 posts overnight?

Hello :)

Poland-kaliningrad wrote:Dzień Dobry, Europa!

Well, relatively. English originally started out Roman like, and would have been more similar to Spanish or French. English's 'Germanic' side likely came from the Scandinavian Vikings who loved to pillage England. It's a massive melting pot of Latin, Germanic, Norman, and several others.

For English speakers who don't know German or Dutch, it's a nightmare. From afar, signs in German or Dutch look similar enough to English, but when you get closer, it is definitely not English...Fascinating! I too share an affinity for foreign languages. While far from proficient, I can at least greet people in several different languages. My first language is English, my second is Spanish, and my third Polish, which I am picking up now. Aside from that, I can at least be polite in French, German, and Russian. Languages truly are a fascinating subject.

Hahahahahaha! You fool. All I need do is post something a weird mix of depressing and funny to get 6 likes! Though I will be a bit confused if this post gets more than two likes, considering my posts aren't that interesting.

Dzień dobry

The Kingdom of Denmark and Poland-kaliningrad
