Longest Serving WA Delegate
Major Events
- : Embassy closed with The power gulids.
- : Embassy closed with The Power Gulids II.
- : Embassy closed with The Federation of Utopias Unitum.
- : Embassy closed with EmbassyRegionia.
- : Embassy opened with EmbassyRegionia.
- : Embassy opened with The Federation of Utopias Unitum.
- : Embassy opened with The Power Gulids II.
- : Embassy closed with Goodbye world assembly.
- : Embassy opened with The power gulids.
- : Embassy opened with Clockworks.
- : Embassy opened with The Embassy.
- : Embassy opened with Goodbye world assembly.
- : Embassy opened with Fredonia.
- : Embassy opened with Guinea Kiribati.
- : Embassy opened with Ambition.
- : Region founded by The Demand of I require 1 bead.