Faction: Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Etorponnurtonauni Economic Specialist
- 100 StrikesonHonor for all 18 Anime Nations Against Liberals76 StrikesonHonor for all 26 Anime Nations Against Liberals26 StrikesonHonor for all 2 Anime Nations Against Liberals104 LaunchesatHonor for all 2 Anime Nations Against Liberals431 LaunchesatHonor for all 18 Anime Nations Against Liberals415 LaunchesatHonor for all 26 Anime Nations Against Liberals104 TargetsonHonor for all 2 Anime Nations Against Liberals431 TargetsonHonor for all 18 Anime Nations Against Liberals415 TargetsonHonor for all 26 Anime Nations Against Liberals86 Shielddefending34 Strikeson333 Shielddefending333 Launchesat427 Launchesat416 Targetson333 Targetson427 Targetson34 Strikeson135 Launchesat135 Targetson94 Shielddefending27 ShieldNlca 0075 Anime Nations Against Liberalsdefending91 Strikeson40 Strikeson363 Launchesat121 Launchesat161 Launchesat363 Targetson121 Targetson161 Targetson135 ShieldWest290 Horsemen of the ApocalypsedefendingEtorponnurtonauni Horsemen of the Apocalypse from Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCCXCII Anime Nations Against Liberals135 Launchesat135 Targetson106 Shielddefending210 ShieldToxic scripting 137 Horsemen of the Apocalypsedefending90 ShieldI need sleep 43 Horsemen of the Apocalypsedefending406 Launchesat406 Targetson46 ShielddefendingTen Thousand Chimores Treaty Org Anime Nations Against Liberals from Etorponnurtonauni Horsemen of the Apocalypse30 ShielddefendingTen Thousand Chimores Treaty Org Anime Nations Against Liberals from Etorponnurtonauni Horsemen of the Apocalypse7 ShieldNlca 0085 Anime Nations Against LiberalsdefendingTen Thousand Chimores Treaty Org Anime Nations Against Liberals from Etorponnurtonauni Horsemen of the Apocalypse13 ShielddefendingTen Thousand Chimores Treaty Org Anime Nations Against Liberals from Etorponnurtonauni Horsemen of the Apocalypse27 ShieldNlca 0098 Anime Nations Against LiberalsdefendingTen Thousand Chimores Treaty Org Anime Nations Against Liberals from Etorponnurtonauni Horsemen of the Apocalypse29 ShieldAtg 087 Jellyfish Elite Fighting ForcedefendingTen Thousand Chimores Treaty Org Anime Nations Against Liberals from Etorponnurtonauni Horsemen of the Apocalypse30 ShieldNlca 0051 Anime Nations Against LiberalsdefendingTen Thousand Chimores Treaty Org Anime Nations Against Liberals from Etorponnurtonauni Horsemen of the Apocalypse12 ShieldNlca 0035 Anime Nations Against LiberalsdefendingTen Thousand Chimores Treaty Org Anime Nations Against Liberals from Etorponnurtonauni Horsemen of the Apocalypse11 ShieldNlca 0014 Anime Nations Against LiberalsdefendingTen Thousand Chimores Treaty Org Anime Nations Against Liberals from Etorponnurtonauni Horsemen of the Apocalypse30 ShieldHell on nemausa Anime Nations Against LiberalsdefendingTen Thousand Chimores Treaty Org Anime Nations Against Liberals from Etorponnurtonauni Horsemen of the Apocalypse235 Launchesat235 Targets
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NationStates by Max Barry