Faction: Anime Nations Against Liberals
Chimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII Strategic Specialist
View Chimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII
- 0 StrikesCard farmer dodo 23 Horsemen of the Apocalypseon157 LaunchesCard farmer dodo 23 Horsemen of the Apocalypseat0 StrikesFar neos thevinna Horsemen of the Apocalypseon10 StrikesTreas flan Horsemen of the Apocalypseon3 Shielddefending
Chimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII Anime Nations Against Liberals from Treas flan Horsemen of the Apocalypse
157 TargetsCard farmer dodo 23 Horsemen of the Apocalypseon250 LaunchesFar neos thevinna Horsemen of the Apocalypseat250 LaunchesTreas flan Horsemen of the Apocalypseat250 TargetsFar neos thevinna Horsemen of the Apocalypseon250 TargetsTreas flan Horsemen of the Apocalypseon67 Strikeson269 Launchesat269 Targetson107 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending107 LaunchesatDonetsi Grand Coalition107 TargetsonDonetsi Grand Coalition124 ShielddefendingAmemiya Nazuna Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness from
Chimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII Anime Nations Against Liberals
124 Launchesat124 Targetson106 ShieldWest211 Horsemen of the ApocalypsedefendingMac Death Horsemen of the Apocalypse from
Chimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII Anime Nations Against Liberals
106 Launchesat106 Targetson123 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefendingKnights Templar XII Horsemen of the Apocalypse from
Chimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII Anime Nations Against Liberals
123 Launchesat123 Targetson24 ShielddefendingThe JSA Horsemen of the Apocalypse from
Chimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII Anime Nations Against Liberals
6 ShieldCard farmer dodo 58 Horsemen of the ApocalypsedefendingThe JSA Horsemen of the Apocalypse from
Chimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII Anime Nations Against Liberals
50 ShielddefendingThe JSA Horsemen of the Apocalypse from
Chimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII Anime Nations Against Liberals
80 Launchesat20 Targetson23 Strikeson90 Launchesat90 Targetson175 ShielddefendingChimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII Anime Nations Against Liberals from
Just my duck Horsemen of the Apocalypse
80 Targetson175 Launchesat175 Shielddefending51 chinger Horsemen of the Apocalypse fromChimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII Anime Nations Against Liberals
175 Launchesat51 chinger Horsemen of the Apocalypse175 Targetson175 Targetson51 chinger Horsemen of the Apocalypse19 Strikeson215 Launchesat215 Targetson61 Strikeson245 Launchesat245 Targetson101 ShieldImpolite penguin 59 Horsemen of the ApocalypsedefendingKopmania Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness fromChimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII Anime Nations Against Liberals
149 ShieldWest208 Horsemen of the ApocalypsedefendingKopmania Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness fromChimoreian Imperial Legion CVIII Anime Nations Against Liberals
250 Launchesat250 TargetsAdvertisement
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