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Congratulations to the winners of Issue Contest: Was It Something We Eight?

by Verdant Haven
Mon, 24 Jul 2023

This post comes courtesy of Issues Editor Verdant Haven.

Begin intercepted transmission:

3d1t0r: "Yes... excellent... our eighth Annual Game to Encourage New Draft Activity has been a success!"

4dm1n: "That's gr-eight! Did you r-eight them all? The d-eight is getting l-eight, how much longer do you need to deb-eight before announcing the winners?"

3d1t0r: "We can announce them now, but why are you talking so strangely?"

4dm1n: "W-eight, what? You started it! It's eight-puns for the eighth contest!"

3d1t04: "Pfft, eight-puns are so outdated - the next contest will be nine, not eight."

4dm1n: "..."

The Issues Editing Team was hoping to see some major submission activity, and you responded big time with nearly 200 entries! After carefully spinning our hamster-wheels, and spending a good long time peering into the mirror-lined box that is our collective psyche, we're ready to announce this year's winners!

Presented in alphabetical order by author, the winners are:

These issues are now guaranteed to be published! Winners, you can expect your shiny "Issues Author" badge to come along with it. Speaking of which, fully half of these nations will be getting published for the first time! We don't plan that, but it's always a delight to see first-timers mixing it up with the experienced veterans.

Please join us in congratulating our winners! You can expect to see these issues start appearing in game soon.