The Largest Pizza Delivery Sector in Warzone Sandbox

World Census staff spent many nights answering the front door in order to measure which nations have the biggest Pizza Delivery industries.

As a region, Warzone Sandbox is ranked 8,538th in the world for Largest Pizza Delivery Sector.

1.The Coadunate Member State of Ferret CivilizationAnarchy“Make it up as I go.”
2.The Empire of MahadpakistanCivil Rights Lovefest“Peace and Justice”
3.The MacDonald of BorrodaleInoffensive Centrist Democracy“per mare per terras”
4.The Shady Business of GyanLeft-Leaning College State“We'll walk together”
5.The Sultanate of Warzone SpokaneIron Fist Socialists“Strength Through Compliance”
6.The Musical Musings of AyniaIron Fist Socialists“I have seen enough to know I have seen too much!”
7.The Nomadic Peoples of Akira SatouInoffensive Centrist Democracy“You're a lucky bastard, Hisao”
8.The Empire of Great WangMoralistic Democracy“中國第一!”
9.The Ambis is Pretty Bi of Gaynes and RainbowsPsychotic Dictatorship“Tes”
10.The Realm of ModeralIron Fist Consumerists“Jus”