The Smartest Citizens in Union of Christian Nations

The World Census eavesdropped on conversations in coffee shops, on campuses, and around cinemas in order to determine which nations have the most quick-witted, insightful, and knowledgeable citizens.

As a region, Union of Christian Nations is ranked 3,778th in the world for Smartest Citizens.

1.The Christian Commonwealth of AmericolumbiaAuthoritarian Democracy“One God, One Nation, One Emperor!”
2.The People's Monarchy of Das-ManInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Labor is the source of all wealth and all culture”
3.The Democratic Commonwealth of EcclestiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“✝️🌏🌿🕊🤝 Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God”
4.The Commonwealth of MendeviaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Dum spiro spero”
5.The Diocesan Workers' Federation of LatimandiaDemocratic Socialists“Prosperity, God, Dignity”
6.The Commonwealth of EstmandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“In God and Arms we trust”
7.The The ideal country 🇧🇬 of NadarenaFather Knows Best State“☦️⚓️❤️”
8.The Gnostic City-State of AlexandriaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Know Yourself and You Shall Know the Divine”
9.The Holy Empire of BavrakiaPsychotic Dictatorship“God, Homeland, Duty”
10.The Kingdom of Treue landNew York Times Democracy“Valor and Discipline!”
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