The Most Politically Apathetic Citizens in Two

These results were determined by seeing how many citizens of each nation answered a recent World Census survey on the local political situation by ticking the "Don't Give a Damn" box.

As a region, Two is ranked 201st in the world for Most Politically Apathetic Citizens.

2,621.The Empire of Car Muld MagiyandeInoffensive Centrist Democracy“You Can't Stop Progress”
2,622.The Empire of Konas EmpireInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Take care of yourself and take care of one another”
2,623.The Dominion of The Soviet State of BelarusAnarchy“Peace and Justice”
2,624.The Matriarchy of NyeogukLiberal Democratic Socialists“꽃과 여성.”
2,625.The Free Land of South AlpstratIron Fist Consumerists“Gloriae Republicae”
2,626.The Republic of IlahlekileInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We will die before we give up our freedom!”
2,627.The Disputed Territories of ContessaMother Knows Best State“Who will become the Chopped champion?”
2,628.The Federation of YukoliaDemocratic Socialists“Born to omg haiiii :3 -w- forced to yo wsg bro”
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