The Most Ignorant Citizens in the South Pacific

The World Census studied which nations seemed to have the greatest numbers of citizens that fell into the categories "ignorant," "oblivious," or "just plain dumb."

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 16,821st in the world for Most Ignorant Citizens.

4,961.The Hydrogen Bomb of RespackjakenrhaceInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Trust me, guys”
4,962.The Community of SoicalismDemocratic Socialists“People really suck don't they”
4,963.The Free Land of SuminaPsychotic Dictatorship“Labour and will can make the world a better place”
4,964.The United Federation of ItomoriaLeft-wing Utopia“Ad astra per aspera”
4,965.The Colony of LisaoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We Will Endure”
4,966.The Soundgraphy of Casiopea BandCivil Rights Lovefest“Looking Up”
4,967.The Sklorpgorbs hot spouse of AmmmericaaaaFather Knows Best State“throws you off the titanic”
4,968.The United Socialist States of Buthre ThetonLeft-wing Utopia“Justice and Grace”
4,969.The Democratic Republic of TringapuraLeft-Leaning College State“In the name of the Moo, I shall punish you!”
4,970.The Republic of WallooniaCivil Rights Lovefest“Rhyddid am byth”
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