The Most Ignorant Citizens in the South Pacific

The World Census studied which nations seemed to have the greatest numbers of citizens that fell into the categories "ignorant," "oblivious," or "just plain dumb."

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 16,821st in the world for Most Ignorant Citizens.

21.The Commonwealth of Lower Tourg IrePsychotic Dictatorship“Might Makes Right”
22.The Free Land of Free Central IslandsPsychotic Dictatorship“Might Makes Right”
23.The Empire of KeycardFather Knows Best State“Wave the card and the door shall open”
24.The Theocratic Papal Legacy of Saint RomaliaPsychotic Dictatorship“For Our Saint, Romalia!”
25.The Hopeless escapeless gorge of The infernal Tyranny of HellCorporate Police State“All hope abandon, ye who enter in”
26.The Dictatorship of The Holy Draconian ThroneIron Fist Consumerists“Blood and Fire”
27.The People's Republic of ErdonicaPsychotic Dictatorship“Always choose the worst possible choice”
28.The Dominion of Grace Sto YaketopiaIron Fist Consumerists“Strength Through Freedom”
29.The Empire of SigmorIron Fist Consumerists“Squoar”
30.The Protectorate of LuditiaCorrupt Dictatorship“Revolt Against the Simulation”
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