The Largest Populations in the Plains of Perdition

The following nations have the greatest number of citizens.

As a region, the Plains of Perdition is ranked 23,588th in the world for Largest Populations.

1.The Type 23 Frigate of HMS SomersetNew York Times Democracy“Representative of North East Somerset”
2.The Delicate Sound of Thunder of The Gates of DeliriumFather Knows Best State“Our Gods Awake in Thunderous Roars”
3.The Darn Toot'in Nation of GHAUNADAURIron Fist Consumerists“We make Weapons of Mass destruction. Want some?”
4.The Angry Blue Warbull of WoonrocketScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Cleaning up raider messes since 2009”
5.The Protectorate of PaffniaLeft-wing Utopia“Iuvans illos qui auxilium requirunt”
6.The Commonwealth of TanzoriaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“d”
7.The Zombie Red Unicorn Republic of -Echolilia-Civil Rights Lovefest“Tacos aren't tacos, except when they are tacos”
8.The Second Commonwealth of Benjamin MarkFather Knows Best State“The Right Country To Live In”
9.The Most Serene Republic of KaniaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“I find your lack of faith disturbing...”
10.The Dystopian Harmony ❄️ of LuksusowaCorrupt Dictatorship“❄️⑨ I'm the strongest! ⑨❄️”
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