The Largest Trout Fishing Sector in the Plains of Perdition

The World Census conducted frenzied haggling with fishmongers in order to determine which nations have the largest fishing industries.

As a region, the Plains of Perdition is ranked 11,575th in the world for Largest Trout Fishing Sector.

1.The United States of VitorosaIron Fist Consumerists“From Many, One”
2.The Principality of PychtoFather Knows Best State“You may fire when ready”
3.The Republic of Kanasupp21Psychotic Dictatorship“Drink it up”
4.The Republic of Kanasupp26Corrupt Dictatorship“An unjust law is no law at all”
5.The Armed Republic of AnthrvxIron Fist Consumerists“Time is now”
6.The Republic of AhLickMaCorporate Police State“Motto...”
7.The Republic of Vuldstein 2point0Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“GUESS WHOS BACK”
8.The Community of HammersboroCorrupt Dictatorship“The hand feeds the hearth”
9.The Empire of HerleInoffensive Centrist Democracy“You Can't Stop Progress”
10.The Kingdom of FoundererIron Fist Consumerists“Peace and Justice”
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