The Most Extensive Civil Rights in the Pacific

The citizens of nations ranked highly enjoy a great amount of civil rights, or freedoms to go about their personal business without interference or regulation from government.

As a region, the Pacific is ranked 17,437th in the world for Most Extensive Civil Rights.

21.The Empire of Dai NamCivil Rights Lovefest“Đại Nam quốc”
22.The Constitutional Monarchy of Commonwealth of AustraliaAnarchy“Advance Australia”
23.The Dominion of Degenerate KittensAnarchy“Nothing to see here”
24.The Oppressed Peoples of Omo LeviAnarchy“Mission Accomplished”
25.The Republic of Democratic BurmaCivil Rights Lovefest“We Will Endure”
26.The United States of Lucy in the Arena With SnakesAnarchy“Enjoy the show!”
27.The Kingdom of SudreyjarCivil Rights Lovefest“Sušreyjar”
28.The Republic of The Free Territory of TriesteCivil Rights Lovefest“United in Diversity”
29.The Queendom of Augusta KossulminusAnarchy“Mew~! I'm Path's RMB-based emissary! :3”
30.The Republic of KazadhanAnarchy“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
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