The Highest Food Quality in the Outback

Professional food critics dined out at restaurants and popped into home kitchens to judge ingredient quality, creativity, and diversity of food.

As a region, the Outback is ranked 9,915th in the world for Highest Food Quality.

1.The Liberated Lands of AgrocragoriaLibertarian Police State“Give me one thousand dollars”
2.The Federal Royalist Republic of AdriaticanLeft-wing Utopia“Prosperity through unity”
3.The Noodleness of Haley RamenMother Knows Best State“❤ ~We will annex you with kindness!~ ❤”
4.The Secluded Isle of StrabbyInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Strabbystrabbystrabby”
5.The Chocolate Loving Paradise of DarkesiaLeft-Leaning College State“Save the planet! It's the only one with chocolate.”
6.The United States of GaliosaireNew York Times Democracy“Hurricane Katrina, more like Hurricane Tortilla”
7.The Failed Satellite State of AesreCorrupt Dictatorship“The Failed Experiment”
8.The Grand Star Kingdom of DrakconLeft-wing Utopia“To reach the sky one must first learn to fly!”
9.The Constitutional Monarchy of LadolodiaDemocratic Socialists“Peace, Unity, and Freedom”
10.The Republic of Libera PublicaNew York Times Democracy“Peace, Unity, Freedom, Justice”
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