The Most Cheerful Citizens in the Outback

The World Census shared cheeky grins with citizens around the world in order to determine which were the most relentlessly cheerful.

As a region, the Outback is ranked 23,289th in the world for Most Cheerful Citizens.

1.The Liberated Lands of AgrocragoriaLibertarian Police State“Give me one thousand dollars”
2.The Demented Marsupials of KangaroocourtInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We Love Football, Meat Pies, Kangaroos and Holden Cars.”
3.The Noodleness of Haley RamenMother Knows Best State“❤ ~We will annex you with kindness!~ ❤”
4.The Secluded Isle of StrabbyLeft-Leaning College State“Strabbystrabbystrabby”
5.The Empire of Nationalist KiwisCorrupt Dictatorship“Who doesn't love a CCTV bush?”
6.The Commonwealth of Ald BraDemocratic Socialists“God? Never heard of her.”
7.The Federation of BurkingtonNew York Times Democracy“The liberty of people is the right cannot take away.”
8.The The Christian Kingdom of TristerDemocratic Socialists“God will save us”
9.The Empire of GrafziegInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Unser Vater ist unser Licht”
10.The Herta of CardichisticstanLiberal Democratic Socialists“Ruan Mei is brat.”
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