The Largest Populations in The North Pacific

The following nations have the greatest number of citizens.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 19,122nd in the world for Largest Populations.

1.The Restored Empire of NatopiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The Legend Shall Never Die”
2.The Democratic Republic of ChedoniaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Enjoy The Beauty Of Yourself”
3.The United Socialist States of SpanLeft-wing Utopia“We Own Y'all!”
4.The Home of A Nation of A Nation of A nationInoffensive Centrist Democracy“.”
5.The Empire of FengateDemocratic Socialists“Dignity, Acumen, Valour, Integrity, Determination!”
6.The United States of ElevationDemocratic Socialists“Home Sweet Home”
7.The Republic of WilkshireDemocratic Socialists“Everyone for everyone else”
8.The American Insurgency of Former English ColonyInoffensive Centrist Democracy“E Pluribus Unum”
9.The Sea King's Daughter of AnankeLeft-wing Utopia“Unbowed unbent unbroken”
10.The Republic of PalauuBenevolent Dictatorship“Peter N. Van Giesen”
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