The Most Patriotic in The North Pacific

World Census data collectors measured the fervor with which citizens believed their own nation was the greatest of all.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 5,929th in the world for Most Patriotic.

5,731.The Republic of Holy Ramen EmpireNew York Times Democracy“By, For, and of the Pandas”
5,732.The Democratic Republic of ElfiburgDemocratic Socialists“Open your wings and soar through the sky!”
5,733.The Optimate of MoreliaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Oh the times oh the Customs”
5,734.The Republic of San FedericoLiberal Democratic Socialists“Unity, Freedom, Order”
5,735.The Republic of United CaribbeaCivil Rights Lovefest“Pura Vida”
5,736.The Commonwealth of AristokanaAnarchy“United In Similarities, Forever Lasting”
5,737.The Republic of EkoapAnarchy“Pride and Industry”
5,738.The Federal Republic of GnosiaNew York Times Democracy“Knowledge, Freedom, Peace”
5,739.The Free Land of CynfoniaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Join the Cynfonia”
5,740.The Republic of Aa 87Moralistic Democracy“The AAs bad cop”
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