The Most Stationary in The North Pacific

Long-term World Census surveillance revealed which nations have been resident in their current region for the longest time.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 16,801st in the world for Most Stationary.

21.The Post-Communist Kleptocracy of EuraustralasamericaCorporate Police State“Yvan eht nioj”
22.The Armed Republic of NehtorLiberal Democratic Socialists“Fear the power of the platypuses for they are armed!”
23.The Torched Custard Dessert of Creme BruleeRight-wing Utopia“Crème brûlée: A gentleman's dessert”
24.The Grand and Most Serene Duchy of Unimaginable DoomMoralistic Democracy“In Honour Bound”
25.The Unitary Kingdom of Sovreignry North PacificCorporate Bordello“Our Strength is Our Castles!”
26.The Free Land of Guy MadisonAnarchy“Justicia y Libertad”
27.The Confederacy of ZyvetskistaahnScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Order, Order”
28.The Currency of YenNew York Times Democracy“The official currency of Japan.”
29.The Home of A Nation of A Nation of A nationInoffensive Centrist Democracy“.”
30.The Republic of ValyrianFather Knows Best State“Fire and Blood”
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