The Highest Economic Output in The North Pacific

World Census bean-counters crunched the numbers to calculate national Gross Domestic Product. Older nations, with higher populations, were noted to have a distinct advantage.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 10,792nd in the world for Highest Economic Output.

1.The Post-Communist Kleptocracy of EuraustralasamericaCorporate Police State“Yvan eht nioj”
2.The Walled Cities of EretzIsraelCorporate Bordello“בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה‎”
3.The Dictatorship of CorfadCorporate Police State“Strength through unity, Unity Through Faith”
4.The Restored Empire of NatopiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The Legend Shall Never Die”
5.The Dominion of Trouble NationInoffensive Centrist Democracy“If I owned this place and Hell, I'd rent this place out”
6.The City State of MarmiedonPsychotic Dictatorship“Yes... We Take American Express”
7.The Anarcho-Capitalist Ogre Fans of WhereisthatistanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Terra Incognita”
8.The Great Empire of KandorithCapitalizt“Endurance Through Perseverance”
9.The Rising Sun's Land of YaorozuPsychotic Dictatorship“八百万神 天の安の河原に 神集ひ集ひて”
10.The Republic of WilkshireScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Everyone for everyone else”
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