The Highest Wealthy Incomes in The North Pacific

The World Census studied the spending power of the richest 10% of citizens in each nation.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 7,363rd in the world for Highest Wealthy Incomes.

31.The Second Christmas' Ghost of Territorio di QualcunoCorporate Police State“The Son of God goes forth to war a kingly crown to gain”
32.The Restored Empire of NatopiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The Legend Shall Never Die”
33.The Empire of ZhangKeyeslandIron Fist Consumerists“I love Lamar Jackson”
34.The Free Land of ChampignonsCorporate Police State“Vive la liberté!”
35.The Seven Nations of TeyvatlandCorporate Bordello“This World Is Full Of Unsolved Mysteries”
36.The Ye of IzernCorporate Bordello“Yeezy”
37.The United States of SabiskaCorporate Police State“Money Matters”
38.The Incorporated States of Stahlkrieg CityCompulsory Consumerist State“Be Free or Dead”
39.The Oppressed Peoples of SulferistanCorporate Police State“You will die in chains”
40.The Democratic Republic of United Eina LythaCompulsory Consumerist State“Mission Accomplished”
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