The Most Subsidized Industry in The North Pacific

Nations ranked highly spend the most on developing and supporting industry, a practice known as 'corporate welfare.'

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 5,817th in the world for Most Subsidized Industry.

5,751.The Federation of QuotrisiumAnarchy“Unity, Discipline, Work”
5,752.The Scared Place of LumbiniCorporate Bordello“Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think”
5,753.The Republic of CyreneCivil Rights Lovefest“We Will Endure”
5,754.The Republic of TaiwanCivil Rights Lovefest“民族、民權、民生”
5,755.The Republic of LaviniaAnarchy“Beauty and Poety”
5,756.The Republic of MacaronesiaCivil Rights Lovefest“From Many, One”
5,757.The Profit Seeking Profiteer of Profit MonkeyCorporate Bordello“Ka ching”
5,758.The Kingdom of CappadociaCivil Rights Lovefest“Land of Wonders”
5,759.The Republic of Unified KoreaCivil Rights Lovefest“원 드림 원 코리아”
5,760.The Community of Security CouncilAnarchy“Peace and Justice”
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