The Most Beautiful Environments in The League

World Census researchers spent many arduous weeks lying on beaches and trekking through rainforests to compile a definitive list of the most attractive and best cared for environments.

As a region, The League is ranked 3,857th in the world for Most Beautiful Environments.

1.The Crowned Republic of Sainte-croixCorrupt Dictatorship“virtute et victoria”
2.The Very Democratic Federation of WhitachiScandinavian Liberal Paradise“😎 don’t quote me 🤕”
3.The Brave New World of OsimiriaLeft-wing Utopia“Live free or die”
4.The Ontological Paradox of EntropanCivil Rights Lovefest“Frihet, egena, oktavat”
5.The Cozy Lizards and Reptiles of Spode Humbled MinionsNew York Times Democracy“The lizard is easy to catch; But is in Kings' palaces”
6.The Imperial State of the Crown of AngvarPsychotic Dictatorship“Nacht sei mit uns”
7.The Supreme Holy Order of LossaknachIron Fist Consumerists“Be Here Now”
8.The Armed Republic of PaleocacherInoffensive Centrist Democracy“A wise man in times of peace, prepares for war.”
9.The Imperial Federation of EcalpaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“敬天愛人”
10.The United Communes of IkaniaDemocratic Socialists“The Dream Shall Never Die”
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