The Longest Average Lifespans in The League

Nations ranked highly have lower rates of preventable death, with their citizens enjoying longer average lifespans.

As a region, The League is ranked 5,249th in the world for Longest Average Lifespans.

1.The Democratic Federation of WhitachiDemocratic Socialists“😎 don’t quote me 🤕”
2.The Crowned Republic of Sainte-croixDemocratic Socialists“virtute et victoria”
3.The Ontological Paradox of EntropanCivil Rights Lovefest“Frihet, egena, oktavat”
4.The Imperial Commonwealth of QuezoConservative Democracy“Fides Tuenda Acernis”
5.The Imperium Aeterna of SuleniaCapitalizt“We Are The Beacon Of Light, Amongst A Sea Of Darkness”
6.The Armed Republic of PaleocacherInoffensive Centrist Democracy“A wise man in times of peace, prepares for war.”
7.The Imperial State of the Crown of AngvarPsychotic Dictatorship“Nacht sei mit uns”
8.The Brave New World of OsimiriaLeft-wing Utopia“Live free or die”
9.The Federation of The New Fandom RepublicCivil Rights Lovefest“Fandom,Family,Nation and Memes”
10.The Empire of LoungdakoLiberal Democratic Socialists“最强大的人可以照顾最脆弱的人”
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