The Largest Manufacturing Sector in The Funian Puppet Region

World Census bean-counters tabulated data from across several industries in order to determine which nations have the largest Manufacturing sectors.

As a region, The Funian Puppet Region is ranked 1,424th in the world for Largest Manufacturing Sector.

31.The OneOneOneOneOneOneOneOne of Landoffunpuppet14Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“The 14th, 14th!”
32.The Secret Elevator of Landoffunpuppet11Iron Fist Consumerists“Hello there!”
33.The Republic of Disgusting FunIron Fist Consumerists“Bleeeeurgh!”
34.The Republic of Melinda Ferezza BanksCorrupt Dictatorship“This Person Does Not Exist”
35.The Melbournian Tram of A-Class TramFather Knows Best State“Beep Beep!”
36.The Rick of For so longPsychotic Dictatorship“We Love Rick”
37.The Rick of Never gonna let u downMoralistic Democracy“We Love Rick”
38.The Republic of Hurt FunCorrupt Dictatorship“Grrrrrrr!!!”
39.The Secrecy of Secretive SocietyIron Fist Consumerists“Hiding from all!”
40.The Republic of Rude FunMoralistic Democracy“Rude and Disgusting!”
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